waking at night very sore cant sleep

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    After training hard at Kickboxing for 2 hrs I can go to sleep for 1 hr to 2hrs solid then I wake up very sore and cant get back to sleep until maybe 4 hrs later. So I'm then suffering from lack of sleep, I can't change training time at all. Usually I dont go to bed until a couple hrs after getting home.


    Lasse Elsbak

    What is your diet like? What other activities do you do? Age? Gender? Weight? Where are you sore? What do you want help with? 😛



    If you get so sore that the pain keeps you from sleeping, from kickboxing, after such a short time, you are either sick/ill, not eating enough, have a really bad bed. or just being a pussy.  Take a cold shower, Drink more water. Eat more food. Take ZMa.



    Yea, exercise before generally isn't recommended. It has found to be a cause of other peoples insomnia.



    This is a really vicious cycle that I've gone through myself a bit.  If you don't take care of it it's going to get worse, I don't think anybody is ever going to truly adapt to something like kickboxing for two hours without sleeping.  I would say make your sleep number one priority, meaning if you have to dial down your training do it, since in three month's your body's probably going to break and training be reduced to zero if it keeps up anyways.-Adam



    Yeh , Pussy!I'm 48 male, 189cm, on diet( not eating lots, mainly protien, no breakfast light lunch shake before and after training) I've gone from 105kg (Christmas) down now to 95kg.Work is pretty stagnate, sitting at desk. I work away 2weeks away and 2 weeks home. 12  hr days while away and I fit in weights and running after work. When home I do Kickboxing 3 times a week. I then do a light jog on the weekend(light run along beach).Also alternate sessions on weights.I wake up after solid 2 hrs sleep sore and tight, wide awake. Find it hard to drift off.Beds could be a part of it as while away do have different beds. But home is normal bed for straight 2 weeks.Always have been fairly light sleeper. This has only started since really upping my training since christmas.Appreciate peoples input, its probably the diet, but hey have achieved the goal almost.Aiming at 90kg then will sart building the muscle up on that. Just want some pointers, not crap!!!


    It sounds to me like a over training issues.The best thing you could do in this situation is decrease the training you are doing and see if that helps.Over training and having chronically high cortisol levels wont help you reach your goal and could cause some serious harm if not taken care of.



    also, try some foam rolling if you are tight. It really does wonders!



    I would second with the additional recommendation if using the Lacrosse Ball after you “graduate” from the foam roller.  Mike Robertson has a 47 page free PDF on Myofascial Release using the Lacrosse Ball and Foam Roller if you search around the net.Adam



    Everything suggested plus maybe some additional stretching.



    Well, here I am I've had a deep massage on some Trigger points. Never before had a massage like this(I've had 2 now) bloody brillan. Pain onb the inside of my knee has gone. My shoulder pain has diminished and is getting better.(slept on a tennis ball the other night and that helped so much.)Power is back and the pain isn't as sharp.Also taking Z12 on my training nights and I wake up feeling fresh and rested. Havn't been like that for a very long time.Bench press is now hammering along, since left shoulder isn't so week.Sparring in ring the other day and everything was nice and loose, felt very energised.Will go back for more on the shoulder but if you want to read up a bit, read The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook 2nd Edition by Clair Davies. 🙂

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waking at night very sore cant sleep

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