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  • #6227

    Sherylea Hurst

    Is walking for 30 minutes or more considered a low level cardio?


    If you are really just casually walking then I say no.You shouldn't count stuff like walking, hiking, biking, or swimming as cardio if you do it because you enjoy it, just don't go doing it to "get your cardio in"


    Brandon D Christ

    Actually walking is considered low level cardio.  I highly recommend walking, you do get some of the benefits of steady state cardio without all the downsides.


    Actually walking is considered low level cardio.  I highly recommend walking, you do get some of the benefits of steady state cardio without all the downsides.

    Agreed that it is, I simply hate terming something I'd do for fun as cardio and I wouldn't do it just for cardio.


    Brandon D Christ

    Actually walking is considered low level cardio.  I highly recommend walking, you do get some of the benefits of steady state cardio without all the downsides.

    Agreed that it is, I simply hate terming something I'd do for fun as cardio and I wouldn't do it just for cardio.

    I can understand.  I typically walk on off days when I feel antsy from sitting at a desk all day.  However, since it's cold now, I haven't walked in a while.

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