Waxy Maize suggestions…

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    Anyone suggest any particular brands and why? How is optimum nutritional glycomaize?



    Anyone suggest any particular brands and why? How is optimum nutritional glycomaize?

    I just read the label more closely and am going against my previous comments and would say this isn't the best option for a post workout shake. Glycomaize consists of a  proprietary blend made up of Waxy Maize Starch and trehalose which, amongst other things, elicits an lower insulin response than glucose and is better for preworkouts or interworkout shakes when you need sustained energy but not very ideal for CBL.



    bio engeneering waxy maize (easiest to find), species carbolize, or dynamatize fluid



    is carbonx not optimal as well for post workout?



    nah  thats better for an intra workout carb if you use that



    bio engeneering waxy maize (easiest to find), species carbolize, or dynamatize fluid

    Are these the waxy maize brands you recommending? Bio Engeneering--http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/new-whey-nutrition/waximaize.htmlSpecies Carbolize--http://www.speciesnutrition.com/storemenu/carbolyze.htmlDynamatize Fluid--http://www.dymatize.com/products/specialty-products/detail/51/flued-100-waxy-maize-4.14-lb/



    yeah…  and Ive never actually used the dynamatize one but am pretty sure it has a high amylopectin content



    yeah...  and Ive never actually used the dynamatize one but am pretty sure it has a high amylopectin content

    is that a good thing? haha



    yeah...  and Ive never actually used the dynamatize one but am pretty sure it has a high amylopectin content

    I realize we are not taking this during the ULC part of the day, but is it an issue that they all have ace-k?



    You ONLY use this after training.



    I realize we are not taking this during the ULC part of the day, but is it an issue that they all have ace-k?

    Research could at best be called inconclusive with wither or not artificial sweeteners cause any significant insulin response. There were studies performed on rats to show ace-k did effect their insulin and blood sugar levels but for a human to receive that same dosage of ace-k they would have to practically drink a 12 pack or more of drinks containing it very quickly.Kiefer has even commented on this as being an individual thing and thats its safe to caution on the side of error and just exclude/minimize it from your diet. However, if everything is working fine, you loosing weight, and you haven't cut any artificial sweeteners like ace-k than you really don't have anything to worry about.If weight loss has halted or not happening and you can't figure out why than that is when you might want to consider that chemicals like ace-k may be whats causing this.

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Waxy Maize suggestions…

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