Wear a diaper?

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    As all of us know, drinking a ton of water while on CNS or CBL will cause you to visit the bathroom many  many times during the day.Well the other day I did some virtual training and I must have run to the bathroom at least a dozen times during the first half of the day. I was at home so I could just blast the dudes voice, but it made me wonder....At work it doesn't matter I can do whatever I like, but next month I have a week of training in NYC and it's very important class so I can't be getting up constantly.So my question is wtf do I do? I'm not about to dehydrate, because my brain will become a fog.The only thing I have thought of is to change my day around to finish eating earlier at night, so I can maybe snack on bacon all morning once I'm in class to retain some of the water. Of course I will snack on bacon in class it's a NetApp class so Waffles go with bacon... (computer nerd joke)


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah base the meals towards the evenings. The water deal, Uhm drink when thirsty don't force yourself to drink. I do.


    Tex, I never force myself to drink, I'm always thirsty haha. Maybe I'll DB CBL that week or something lol. Need to figure out something it's a $6k class I am getting for free so less bathroom trips and adderall haha


    Richard Schmitt

    GOTCHA! My bad.Well...uhm use a tube attached to your "you-hoo" to a plastic bag/container. ;D


    As all of us know, drinking a ton of water while on CNS or CBL will cause you to visit the bathroom many  many times during the day.Well the other day I did some virtual training and I must have run to the bathroom at least a dozen times during the first half of the day. I was at home so I could just blast the dudes voice, but it made me wonder....At work it doesn't matter I can do whatever I like, but next month I have a week of training in NYC and it's very important class so I can't be getting up constantly.So my question is wtf do I do? I'm not about to dehydrate, because my brain will become a fog.The only thing I have thought of is to change my day around to finish eating earlier at night, so I can maybe snack on bacon all morning once I'm in class to retain some of the water. Of course I will snack on bacon in class it's a NetApp class so Waffles go with bacon... (computer nerd joke)

    Hey, I am in NYC!  Welcome, in advance, to my great city!Anyhow, yeah... the bathroom thing.  I guess drink JUST what you need.  That said, as you release water (esp. after a back-load or CN), you will piss like a racehorse.  Not many ways around this.However, caffeine / coffee and green tea are both diuretics, so if you are intaking either or both them @ any consistency, you may find yourself getting the urge more often.  This will be on top of your standard bathroom visits from water alone.You're only other option is to sweat a LOT... as that works for me.  However, it is getting quite cold here by the day, so you will need to bust ass to get that going.Cory



    I drink LOTS of water. When I first started doing this I was peeing EVERY HOUR. Now (drinking the same amount) I pee every 3-4 hours. I believe my body has adapted somehow, though I can't explain it. So I recommend that you drink MORE water leading up to the course to help you adapt faster, then reduce slightly during the course. I alway carry a Bobble bottle with me. I also drink 500 ml upon waking and 500 ml before bed. When I don't get enough water now, I actually feel horrible and lack energy. Happened to me yesterday. I also get more cravings. You might want to look at the book: Your Body's Many Cries for Water



    I question myself about the diaper thing when it's squat/pull day all the time.  Then someone told me you haven't squatted until you shit yourself.  So, after squats/pulls, I walk by everyone with a shit eating grin (no pun intended) downstairs to the bathroom.My point is rise to the occasion friend!  Be proud!  ....or not.


    I question myself about the diaper thing when it's squat/pull day all the time.  Then someone told me you haven't squatted until you shit yourself.  So, after squats/pulls, I walk by everyone with a shit eating grin (no pun intended) downstairs to the bathroom.My point is rise to the occasion friend!  Be proud!  ....or not.

    Funny.  ;DI've heard that you haven't even worked out until you've puked, including on curls!  Arthur Jones used to push this idea.Kinda the same with my Kyokushin (Karate)... my Sensei will force us to go so hard on pads and bags (esp. pre-fight), non-stop, until we puke into the trashcan (or in one guy's case, out a window onto 36th Street).  If we slow down for any other reason, he beats us with a Shinai.LOL.  Gotta love it.  It builds character.  Piss, puke, shit... doesn't matter.Cory


    As all of us know, drinking a ton of water while on CNS or CBL will cause you to visit the bathroom many  many times during the day.Well the other day I did some virtual training and I must have run to the bathroom at least a dozen times during the first half of the day. I was at home so I could just blast the dudes voice, but it made me wonder....At work it doesn't matter I can do whatever I like, but next month I have a week of training in NYC and it's very important class so I can't be getting up constantly.So my question is wtf do I do? I'm not about to dehydrate, because my brain will become a fog.The only thing I have thought of is to change my day around to finish eating earlier at night, so I can maybe snack on bacon all morning once I'm in class to retain some of the water. Of course I will snack on bacon in class it's a NetApp class so Waffles go with bacon... (computer nerd joke)

    Hey, I am in NYC!  Welcome, in advance, to my great city!Anyhow, yeah... the bathroom thing.  I guess drink JUST what you need.  That said, as you release water (esp. after a back-load or CN), you will piss like a racehorse.  Not many ways around this.However, caffeine / coffee and green tea are both diuretics, so if you are intaking either or both them @ any consistency, you may find yourself getting the urge more often.  This will be on top of your standard bathroom visits from water alone.You're only other option is to sweat a LOT... as that works for me.  However, it is getting quite cold here by the day, so you will need to bust ass to get that going.Cory

    haha dude I live across the river it's not like I'm from Cali and in down for this thing haha. It's like a 20 min drive in, or quick path hop.Fairy, I've been doing carbless/carb cycling diets for years so however my body is treating water now is how it treats it. Even more specifically if I have been using CNS and CBL for over a year now so I'm plenty adjusted.Sounds like I'm screwed, because I can't drink less and not drink coffee and fast in the morning.


    haha dude I live across the river it's not like I'm from Cali and in down for this thing haha. It's like a 20 min drive in, or quick path hop.Sounds like I'm screwed, because I can't drink less and not drink coffee and fast in the morning.

    Yeah, I just checked your profile... friggin' Jersey.  LOL!  I spoke too fast.Anyhow... do the best you can.  Perhaps taking multiple pisses will be inevitable.Cory


    haha dude I live across the river it's not like I'm from Cali and in down for this thing haha. It's like a 20 min drive in, or quick path hop.Sounds like I'm screwed, because I can't drink less and not drink coffee and fast in the morning.

    Yeah, I just checked your profile... friggin' Jersey.  LOL!  I spoke too fast.Anyhow... do the best you can.  Perhaps taking multiple pisses will be inevitable.Cory

    Don't hate because I can drive to a grocery store anytime I want food haha


    haha dude I live across the river it's not like I'm from Cali and in down for this thing haha. It's like a 20 min drive in, or quick path hop.Sounds like I'm screwed, because I can't drink less and not drink coffee and fast in the morning.

    Yeah, I just checked your profile... friggin' Jersey.  LOL!  I spoke too fast.Anyhow... do the best you can.  Perhaps taking multiple pisses will be inevitable.Cory

    Don't hate because I can drive to a grocery store anytime I want food haha

    Don't hate b/c I don't need a car, and can walk to a grocery store in less than 5.  😉Cory

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Wear a diaper?

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