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    I've been a lurker off and on and have struggled w/CNS and have CBL and am going to start reading it. However, I've noticed most of these articles on the website from diets, to interviews, etc. are a year old. Is the site no longer being updated? Just curious and looking forward to seeing what I'm doing w/my low-carb diet that isn't working. To be frank, I'm still trying to figure out how much protein to fat I should be taking at 5-7 and 160 lbs.


    Richard Schmitt

    Look at Soundcloud for podcasts for more updated information.


    Lesli Bortz

    Lol…you're going to start reading it?New site should be up on Monday. There's been many a podcast with updates. Not sure what I'm doing macro-wise right now so someone else will have to answer that question.



    Thanks Big Tex! I will do that.phxplay88, I've read CNS and am getting ready to read CBL. I just haven't found the right mix w/CNS as I plateaued and truth is, where I plateaued was at same spot with my typical workout and eating regimen. I believe in the science I read I just think I've got to figure out the best ratio's for my body. I faithfully did it for about six months and kept my same weight and body fat so not fluctuating was a victory in itself. I just want to get over that hump. Since I do workout almost daily with weights I'm thinking the CBL could be the solution. Even then, I want to re-read CNS as well. It's also why I decided to take a harder look at the forums as well.


    Lesli Bortz

    I'm sure if you laid out what your typical week looks like then one of the guys would have some “updated” recommendations. I do a hybrid CNS/CBL so I'm not even sure what the current recommendations are. I personally have more fat than protein and it's working well for me. Are you male or female? What are your goals?

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