Weighing Bacon

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    I'll get right to the question:When people post they ate "1/2lb of bacon", is that typically half of a package? Is that also a 1/2lb pre-cooked weight?I've never eaten bacon as regularly as I do now (which is still not nearly as regular as other members) so if someone could lay this ugly bag of snakes out straight for me that would be super cool. Thanks!-BD


    Brandon D Christ

    I'll get right to the question:When people post they ate "1/2lb of bacon", is that typically half of a package? Is that also a 1/2lb pre-cooked weight?I've never eaten bacon as regularly as I do now (which is still not nearly as regular as other members) so if someone could lay this ugly bag of snakes out straight for me that would be super cool. Thanks!-BD

    Typically any meat is weighed before it is cooked.  So yea whenever someone says they eat half a pound of bacon, generally that is the weight before it is cooked.



    I'll get right to the question:When people post they ate "1/2lb of bacon", is that typically half of a package? Is that also a 1/2lb pre-cooked weight?I've never eaten bacon as regularly as I do now (which is still not nearly as regular as other members) so if someone could lay this ugly bag of snakes out straight for me that would be super cool. Thanks!-BD

    I use ounces to measure weight since some packages are different than others. so 1/2 lbs = 8oz


    Marty P Koch

    Yeah, 1/2 lb of bacon post-cooking would be a boatload…

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Weighing Bacon

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