Weight not going back down within 7 days

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    After my carb nite, my weight seems to take longer than 7 days to come back down to what it was pre carb nite. I've been on carb nite for about 2 years and this didn't start happening until this past year where sometimes my weight will go back down and some weeks I'll be two pounds heavier I'm 5'0 around 125 poundsEating about 125g fat and 90g protein Lift 4 times a week with cardio two days after carb nite I don't know if I'm doing something wrong that's causing this to happen??


    Richard Schmitt

    Probably need to swap macros.



    So switch to 125g protien and 90g fat?


    Wiebke Fischer

    I had the Same problem, weight was not going down in 7 days, so Penny told me to switch my Macros ( up the protein to 1x bw lbs and fat intake 0.6… 0.8 per bw lbs) and in my case it worked. The only problem with this macro combination was that I felt hungry all the time. It took about 5 days and afterwards my body/hunger adapted.


    Richard Schmitt

    So switch to 125g protien and 90g fat?

    Yes 🙂



    I always thought that fat should be higher than protein?
    but protein should always be 1g bw?


    Penny Danner

    Protein can be 0.8-1g of BW and fat played with to find what works for you. Generally speaking, 0.6-0.8g per BW. Fat CALORIES will be more than protein CALORIES because it is all a percentage of TOTAL calories for the day. Grams and percentages are two separate things.



    Fat should be .6-.8 as well?


    Richard Schmitt

    About .65-1g/BW



    Is it normal to be getting headaches/lower energy than before from switching my macros?


    Richard Schmitt

    How low is your fat grams? Might need to make a reasonable call by adding more.



    Around 100g


    Richard Schmitt

    Also getting headaches can be normal from your body becoming “keto” or using your body fat. It tends to happen, and is a sign you’re depleted. You could increase the fat grams if needed to around 125g, but may not necessarily need it.



    I just feel like my energy has just been low and I could barely finish my leg day yesterday but I didn’t know if it was because my body was used to how much fat I was getting before I switched my macros


    Richard Schmitt

    Sounds like you’re depleted, how many days are you training?

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Weight not going back down within 7 days

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