Weightlifting competition + Carb Nite Solution

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    Hi!I´m doing Carb Nite Soltuion for a few months now.On 02.03. i have the first weightlifting competition for this year (the next competition takes place two weeks after the first, 3rd two weeks later,...:eek: ) and now i have to think, how to schedule my Carb Nite for this competitions.Is it the best to do the Carb Nite on the competition day?What do i eat on Carb Nite if it´s on competition day?Should i start before the competition or after it?I don´t know yet when the competitions are going to start, but usually we start at 4pm to 5pm.



    That's tricky. If you weren't on carb night how would you eat the day of a competition?I compete in powerlifting and when I compete I tend to eat things like peanut butter sandwiches, lunch meat, protein and carb powder. Then anything else I feel like that agrees with me and won't disrupt my lifting. That being said, my competitions can run more than 8 hours. I wouldn't try to change too much on your competition days.



    Hi!I had two competitions since i started oly lifting in july 2012.At the first competition i ate long plaited bun and on the second competition i ate rice-noodles with chicken-breast.I always started before the competition.When do you start eating carbohydrates? Before, during or after the competition?My competitions run for 4 to 6 hours. Depends on how many athletes are involved.I also heared the peanut-butter-sandwich tip on a biojacked-radio podcast and also on paleo-solution podcast.But isn´t it too much fat for the start of the CN?



    I start eating carbs before I start lifting. But (and this is a big but) when I'm on the platform performance is my only concern. I don't care what might be best for my physique. I'm there to be strong and I can worry about body composition another day. If you're looking to make the competitions your carb night I would eat a whole protein meal with some fat 1-2 hours before you compete, then sip a carb and protein drink during the competition then have whatever you want afterward. It'll take a little tinkering to get optimal performance while not compromising your physique goals.



    Thanks for your advice!I think i´ll try it that way.I let you know how it went.



    Why not CN the day before to get nice and full glycogen stores?

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Weightlifting competition + Carb Nite Solution

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