Wendler’s 5/3/1

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    Damon Amato

    cliff notes?  There seems to be contradictions when I try to google it.  Not sure exactly how the protocol works.



    I don't have the exact percentages right now, but there's not much to the program. Essentially, you find your 1RM for overhead press, bench, squat, and deadlift. From there, all other work is accessory, which Wendler is far from specific about. His ebook details a few different protocols for accessory lifts. So really, the only actual protocol is the big 4 lifts. If I recall correct, the first week is 3X5, 2nd is 3X3 and the 3rd is 5/3/1.I'm sure you can still find his ebook for sale if you want it straight from Wendler.


    Damon Amato

    so 3 sets of 5 reps, 3 sets of 3 reps, and then 5 reps/3 reps/1 rep?  Just basically as heavy as you can?  Sounds crazy heavy.  I'm assuming there is some kind of de-load phase too?



    Check tnation.com. They have the basics laid out. But it is essentially rotating between four primary lifts (squat, bench, deadlift, overhead press,) ideally on a four day a week training regimen. Week 1 is 3×5 for the primary lift, week 2 is 3×3 for the primary lift, then week 3 is a set of 5 reps then 3 reps then 1 rep. Any accessory work is to be performed after your main lift; the program is pretty flexible after the main lift. This is a very crude synopsis, you should read the tnation article as well. And if you plan on trying it, buy the book (it's worth every penny.)http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/how_to_build_pure_strength



    Haha, yeah, trying to explain 5/3/1 in 1 post is almost like trying to do the same for CBL. Last I knew, the book was only $20.


    Damon Amato

    thanks for the link, Rob.  Good article.


    Damon Amato

    so I went to blackironbeast.com which has a Wendler's calculator for weights to use for the program.  I chose bodyweight exercises as accessories.  For example, on military press day, the accessories are chin-ups and dips……75xbw.  WTF?  Is that right?  That would take me two hours to do 75 chin-ups.



    When I was using chins as an accessory, I was doing 5×10…which usually ended closer to 10×5 lol. I would start with something closer to that myself. Maybe set a goal to do as few sets as possible up to 40 or something, then progress from there.So to answer your original question, yeah, 75 is correct (I guess, though like above, I'd start lower) as Wendler preaches pretty high reps for BW exercises in the book.



    Hi mate,for the accessory lifts such as dips and chins, the number of reps mentioned is the number to shoot for indeed. I would suggest you start with a number of set and try to build up the number of rep in those sets. Progress on those is something else you should monitor (in addition to the main lifts).Also one important thing is to keep the accessory lifts "low" during the deload week.Hope this helps.


    Damon Amato

    thanks for the tips, going to start this on monday.



    go to his web site and buy the book for $20, very good investment and the second edition is out with some cool new info in it. However the assistance work IS important to get right dependent on your goals. The whole progrma can be varied to focus on strength/ bulk or fat loss, while still getting strongIt would be a perfect fit for a lot of people, but don't try to piece it together if you don't have to, i.e. CBL, only $20 from his personal site,honestly once you do a few cycles and choose a few templates to try the system cam be altered to suit any goal you want, for example i used it to take my 5rm wide pull up  using a 20kg weight on a belt to doing 6 with 40kg on a belt in 8 weeks?



    go to his web site and buy the book for $20

    Seriously.The descriptions and advice about the program in the posts above does not even come close to the program itself. There's more to it than putting the numbers five, three, and one together in different set/rep ranges.


    Richard Schmitt

    So I'm guessing that this training program is really good with CBL? Especially if I'm trying to gain strength, while keeping fat levels at an all time low? I ask because I'm trying to do Shockwave, but wanting to switch back and forth every 6-8 weeks to keep my body guessing (currently on week 3)



    Tex, don't switch back and forth, if something is working give it time to take its full effect! i've stuck with 5/3/1 for sometime because it works, if shockwave works, stay with it! Particularly for yourself, you will start seeing results from a program after about 3-4 weeks, if you aren't seeing results by the 6th week only then should you consider changingShockwave looks like it could be awesome, i'm very keen to try it, but as i have a comp coming up i want to stay with what i know has been working?


    Richard Schmitt

    Yes sir I understand, thank you

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Wendler’s 5/3/1

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