What does your morning coffee consist of?

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    Luis S.

    What does your morning coffee consist of? Mine is a cup of coffee with 2 tbs unsalted butter, 1tbs coconut oil, 1tbs HWC, and 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk and 5 packs of splenda. Totals are 7g carbs and about 37g fats. My only concern is i may be having too much fat at once and that might be stopping my fat burning? Any one got any insight on this?



    That sounds like an awful lot. I would maybe multiply what you have there by 0.25.



    What does your morning coffee consist of? Mine is a cup of coffee with 2 tbs unsalted butter, 1tbs coconut oil, 1tbs HWC, and 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk and 5 packs of splenda. Totals are 7g carbs and about 37g fats. My only concern is i may be having too much fat at once and that might be stopping my fat burning? Any one got any insight on this?

    3-4 tbsp hwc, 1 tbsp coconut oil.


    Luis S.

    What does your morning coffee consist of? Mine is a cup of coffee with 2 tbs unsalted butter, 1tbs coconut oil, 1tbs HWC, and 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk and 5 packs of splenda. Totals are 7g carbs and about 37g fats. My only concern is i may be having too much fat at once and that might be stopping my fat burning? Any one got any insight on this?

    3-4 tbsp hwc, 1 tbsp coconut oil.

    Yeah i was thinking of reducing some of the far.

    What does your morning coffee consist of? Mine is a cup of coffee with 2 tbs unsalted butter, 1tbs coconut oil, 1tbs HWC, and 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk and 5 packs of splenda. Totals are 7g carbs and about 37g fats. My only concern is i may be having too much fat at once and that might be stopping my fat burning? Any one got any insight on this?

    3-4 tbsp hwc, 1 tbsp coconut oil.

    Thats around 30g of fat right?



    What does your morning coffee consist of? Mine is a cup of coffee with 2 tbs unsalted butter, 1tbs coconut oil, 1tbs HWC, and 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk and 5 packs of splenda. Totals are 7g carbs and about 37g fats. My only concern is i may be having too much fat at once and that might be stopping my fat burning? Any one got any insight on this?

    3-4 tbsp hwc, 1 tbsp coconut oil.

    Yeah i was thinking of reducing some of the far.

    What does your morning coffee consist of? Mine is a cup of coffee with 2 tbs unsalted butter, 1tbs coconut oil, 1tbs HWC, and 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk and 5 packs of splenda. Totals are 7g carbs and about 37g fats. My only concern is i may be having too much fat at once and that might be stopping my fat burning? Any one got any insight on this?

    3-4 tbsp hwc, 1 tbsp coconut oil.

    Thats around 30g of fat right?

    35 according to my calc


    I have a couple of cups of coffee a morning, each with 20g of double cream (which gives just under 10g fat per coffee).My (completely unsubstantiated and grossly over-simplified) reasoning is as follows:* if my BMR is approx 2200kcal per day, then in an average hour my body uses 90 odd calories (2200kcal/24h)* in all likelihood a 'waking' hour probably uses more than that (more activity than when asleep)* 10g fat is roughly 90kcal* consuming the fat maintains/primes my body to prioritise fat metabolism (my body needs energy, fat's around = use it)* at most I'm causing my body to reduce the amount of body fat it's burning (because it's burning the ingested fat) for 1 hour per coffee* so assuming a 7am wake-up and a 1pm lunch that's 2 hours reduced body-fat burning and 4 hours 'primed' body-fat burning until lunch* net effect = more body fat burnt, lower likelihood of muscle catabolism (to utilise the protein for energy needs)In an ideal world I would be using coconut oil rather than double cream for the insta-available MCTs that it contains.


    Damon Amato

    your initial assumption of BMR I think is kind of irrelevant for our purposes.  Your weight and lean tissue amount are probably more important for how much of what you should have in the morning.



    2 tbsps unsalted grass-fed butter. Out of coconut oil ATM  :-



    2 tbsps unsalted grass-fed butter. Out of coconut oil ATM  :-

    butter but no cream?  Im trying to figure out what that would taste like.


    2 tbsps unsalted grass-fed butter. Out of coconut oil ATM  :-

    butter but no cream?  Im trying to figure out what that would taste like.

    Like Heaven.  😉


    Luis S.

    2 tbsps unsalted grass-fed butter. Out of coconut oil ATM  :-

    butter but no cream?  Im trying to figure out what that would taste like.

    In my opinion, the butter gives it a creamier taste than the cream. Tastes really good. 🙂



    especially if you blend it. Gets an awesome head of foam. Just make sure you use UNSALTED butter. Only make that mistake once haha.



    Just plain coffee with coconut oil.


    Brandon D Christ

    Tried the butter in coffee, its ok but I still prefer cream.  You get a homogenous mixture with cream, with butter all the oil floats to top.



    I put my in a magic bullet type things with coco oil/butter/splenda. It is pretty good. It mixes well and stays that way. Frothy goodness.

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What does your morning coffee consist of?

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