What happened to Naomi?

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  • #59033


    With what?

    With you Inner Circle peeps and guidance, also with Kiefer hanging on the boards more.


    Brandon D Christ

    With what?

    With you Inner Circle peeps and guidance, also with Kiefer hanging on the boards more.

    I am not in the inner circle, but I think Kiefer wants to focus on the actual website.  In case you haven't noticed we get a lot of articles now.  At least one a week.  Before we were only getting one of two a month.  It is a a bit disappointing we don't have someone offering support and troubleshooting, but that could always change in the future.  Kiefer did hang on boards quite frequently for a few weeks after he posted that, but that ended really quickly haha.



    With what?

    With you Inner Circle peeps and guidance, also with Kiefer hanging on the boards more.

    I am not in the inner circle, but I think Kiefer wants to focus on the actual website.  In case you haven't noticed we get a lot of articles now.  At least one a week.  Before we were only getting one of two a month.  It is a a bit disappointing we don't have someone offering support and troubleshooting, but that could always change in the future.  Kiefer did hang on boards quite frequently for a few weeks after he posted that, but that ended really quickly haha.

    Yes, he is doing an excellent job getting articles posted, there are a lot of people writing interesting things for him..



    Naomi left for several reasons, but I'll be honest, I asked her to leave. A dynamic developed where personal projects and prejudices trumped company policy and initiatives. Rather than servicing this community at the level of production and infrastructure, stubbornness and contempt ground DH to a halt.But don't worry, there will be experts on the forums with access to me and I will be hanging out on the boards more often. I'm working on my schedule to set aside one hour, three times per week to be on the forums. Although the appearance of expertise-by-association and stating opinion without mentioning that it's a guess may pass on some forums, it isn't the kind of “expert” you guys deserve on this forum and I promise you won't get that. I'm taking applications now to be in the "Inner Circle" but be very clear: If you post even a single time as a representative of DH and you pull it out of your ass rather than checking the research or checking with me, you'll be booted.I'm working with Dmunnee (Damon Amato) right now, Jason Phillips and Luke Robinson, and will bring a few more people in. As it stands, I promise that the quantity of DH content will not only increase, but so will the quality.I wish Naomi well and thank her for building this forum community; she did a stellar job of making people feel safe and welcome. But DH is a portal for quality information, innovative tools, bleeding-edge protocols and ambitious initiatives, and priorities amongst the DH team must be aligned in order to deliver.

    Interesting Thread....  Whatever happened with this????

    Good question - precisely what he promised wouldn't happen has in fact happened. I appreciate the articles, podcasts, etc., but if Kiefer isn't going to have a presence here, he'd be better off getting rid of this forum.


    Brandon D Christ

    Naomi left for several reasons, but I'll be honest, I asked her to leave. A dynamic developed where personal projects and prejudices trumped company policy and initiatives. Rather than servicing this community at the level of production and infrastructure, stubbornness and contempt ground DH to a halt.But don't worry, there will be experts on the forums with access to me and I will be hanging out on the boards more often. I'm working on my schedule to set aside one hour, three times per week to be on the forums. Although the appearance of expertise-by-association and stating opinion without mentioning that it's a guess may pass on some forums, it isn't the kind of “expert” you guys deserve on this forum and I promise you won't get that. I'm taking applications now to be in the "Inner Circle" but be very clear: If you post even a single time as a representative of DH and you pull it out of your ass rather than checking the research or checking with me, you'll be booted.I'm working with Dmunnee (Damon Amato) right now, Jason Phillips and Luke Robinson, and will bring a few more people in. As it stands, I promise that the quantity of DH content will not only increase, but so will the quality.I wish Naomi well and thank her for building this forum community; she did a stellar job of making people feel safe and welcome. But DH is a portal for quality information, innovative tools, bleeding-edge protocols and ambitious initiatives, and priorities amongst the DH team must be aligned in order to deliver.

    Interesting Thread....  Whatever happened with this????

    Good question - precisely what he promised wouldn't happen has in fact happened. I appreciate the articles, podcasts, etc., but if Kiefer isn't going to have a presence here, he'd be better off getting rid of this forum.

    As much as I like this forum, I am actually going to have to agree with you.  I hope he never does get rid of the forum because I enjoy  posting here, but I don't think I would recommend a newb to look to this forum for answers.


    Fernando Aguilar

    Too bad about Naomi, she had a sexy voice on the podcast... Maybe she's some kind of mermaid...  ???

    Lol a mermaid?

    Yeah... I guess she tricked Kiefer, and she had that sexy voice... I don't know, but there's something there... 🙂



    Too bad about Naomi, she had a sexy voice on the podcast... Maybe she's some kind of mermaid...  ???

    Lol a mermaid?

    Yeah... I guess she tricked Kiefer, and she had that sexy voice... I don't know, but there's something there... 🙂

    If it's any consolation, I've checked out her various sites and they seem very rudimentary.. Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2


    Fernando Aguilar

    Too bad about Naomi, she had a sexy voice on the podcast... Maybe she's some kind of mermaid...  ???

    Lol a mermaid?

    Yeah... I guess she tricked Kiefer, and she had that sexy voice... I don't know, but there's something there... 🙂

    If it's any consolation, I've checked out her various sites and they seem very rudimentary.. Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2

    Go figure... She left the person from whom she was sucking all the knowledge.



    Naomi left for several reasons, but I'll be honest, I asked her to leave. A dynamic developed where personal projects and prejudices trumped company policy and initiatives. Rather than servicing this community at the level of production and infrastructure, stubbornness and contempt ground DH to a halt.But don't worry, there will be experts on the forums with access to me and I will be hanging out on the boards more often. I'm working on my schedule to set aside one hour, three times per week to be on the forums. Although the appearance of expertise-by-association and stating opinion without mentioning that it's a guess may pass on some forums, it isn't the kind of “expert” you guys deserve on this forum and I promise you won't get that. I'm taking applications now to be in the "Inner Circle" but be very clear: If you post even a single time as a representative of DH and you pull it out of your ass rather than checking the research or checking with me, you'll be booted.I'm working with Dmunnee (Damon Amato) right now, Jason Phillips and Luke Robinson, and will bring a few more people in. As it stands, I promise that the quantity of DH content will not only increase, but so will the quality.I wish Naomi well and thank her for building this forum community; she did a stellar job of making people feel safe and welcome. But DH is a portal for quality information, innovative tools, bleeding-edge protocols and ambitious initiatives, and priorities amongst the DH team must be aligned in order to deliver.

    Interesting Thread....  Whatever happened with this????

    Good question - precisely what he promised wouldn't happen has in fact happened. I appreciate the articles, podcasts, etc., but if Kiefer isn't going to have a presence here, he'd be better off getting rid of this forum.

    As much as I like this forum, I am actually going to have to agree with you.  I hope he never does get rid of the forum because I enjoy  posting here, but I don't think I would recommend a newb to look to this forum for answers.

    Agreed - my hope is that Kiefer starts making more of a presence, not that the forum goes away. I enjoy the forum, but there are just way too many of these "experts" on here, and too few "DH insiders" (or Kiefer himself) to put them in their place.

Viewing 9 posts - 31 through 39 (of 39 total)

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What happened to Naomi?

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