What happened to Naomi?

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    Brandon D Christ

    Did naomi quit or something?  Why does her signature say she is currently exploring other opprotunities?


    She is leaving DH, she is going to be releasing her own fitness product (I believe for postpartum women) working on her own blog, and a recipe blog.


    Igor Vidovic

    She will be dearly missed  :-[

    training log


    Luis S.

    WTF??? no more naomi?? >:[



    That's a pity. You can already see things have gone to total shit without her. Joke.  ;D


    Richard Schmitt

    Well yeah she helped keep things in check. Though we are all doing our best to help each other out and establish what she set out for us to do which is be excellent to each other. She may not be here-here but her presence and work still affects these forums. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


    Shane Layton

    She was the glue that held everything together, and an excellent facilitator for Kiefer. I'm disappointed, because things like the software, updates to CNS, etc., will probably take even longer now. I can't imagine she would be an easy replacement either. You need someone that understands the science and application, and has practiced it themselves.


    Igor Vidovic

    Now that she's leaving is there anyone that will be in touch with Kiefer? That way we will be more up to date on future happenings with DH?

    training log


    Brandon D Christ

    Now that she's leaving is there anyone that will be in touch with Kiefer? That way we will be more up to date on future happenings with DH?

    I wonder if Kiefer will hire someone else.  I'd be nice to get somone else with expertise, because as of right now, no one is on here with it all.  A lot of the members bring stuff to the table, but no one is well rounded enough.Just to let you all know, while I am not a scientist, an engineer rather (with a lot of down time at work) who does review and writes scientific and technical documents for a living, you can feel free to send me questions about studies.  Even though nutrition and exercise science are not my areas of expertise, I will try my best to break them down.  Actually you should all try it yourself, all it takes is a little practice  🙂


    Richard Schmitt

    I know Tanner Fox has great success with CBL and CNS, also know he is trying to make an appearance on these forums will helping us out. Though he's quite busy himself.


    Now that she's leaving is there anyone that will be in touch with Kiefer? That way we will be more up to date on future happenings with DH?

    I wonder if Kiefer will hire someone else.  I'd be nice to get somone else with expertise, because as of right now, no one is on here with it all.  A lot of the members bring stuff to the table, but no one is well rounded enough.Just to let you all know, while I am not a scientist, an engineer rather (with a lot of down time at work) who does review and writes scientific and technical documents for a living, you can feel free to send me questions about studies.  Even though nutrition and exercise science are not my areas of expertise, I will try my best to break them down.  Actually you should all try it yourself, all it takes is a little practice  🙂

    Mary from the last podcast will be taking over the social aspect of things, plus Keifer is bringing on more people with the inner circle stuff while prepping to make DH bigger and bigger.



    Yea there will be plenty of knowledgeable people on the forum soon. Knowledgeable in this sense is having talked with kiefer.



    Naomi left for several reasons, but I'll be honest, I asked her to leave. A dynamic developed where personal projects and prejudices trumped company policy and initiatives. Rather than servicing this community at the level of production and infrastructure, stubbornness and contempt ground DH to a halt.But don't worry, there will be experts on the forums with access to me and I will be hanging out on the boards more often. I'm working on my schedule to set aside one hour, three times per week to be on the forums. Although the appearance of expertise-by-association and stating opinion without mentioning that it's a guess may pass on some forums, it isn't the kind of “expert” you guys deserve on this forum and I promise you won't get that. I'm taking applications now to be in the "Inner Circle" but be very clear: If you post even a single time as a representative of DH and you pull it out of your ass rather than checking the research or checking with me, you'll be booted.I'm working with Dmunnee (Damon Amato) right now, Jason Phillips and Luke Robinson, and will bring a few more people in. As it stands, I promise that the quantity of DH content will not only increase, but so will the quality.I wish Naomi well and thank her for building this forum community; she did a stellar job of making people feel safe and welcome. But DH is a portal for quality information, innovative tools, bleeding-edge protocols and ambitious initiatives, and priorities amongst the DH team must be aligned in order to deliver.


    Naomi left for several reasons, but I'll be honest, I asked her to leave. A dynamic developed where personal projects and prejudices trumped company policy and initiatives. Rather than servicing this community at the level of production and infrastructure, stubbornness and contempt ground DH to a halt.But don't worry, there will be experts on the forums with access to me and I will be hanging out on the boards more often. I'm working on my schedule to set aside one hour, three times per week to be on the forums. Although the appearance of expertise-by-association and stating opinion without mentioning that it's a guess may pass on some forums, it isn't the kind of “expert” you guys deserve on this forum and I promise you won't get that. I'm taking applications now to be in the "Inner Circle" but be very clear: If you post even a single time as a representative of DH and you pull it out of your ass rather than checking the research or checking with me, you'll be booted.I'm working with Dmunnee (Damon Amato) right now, Jason Phillips and Luke Robinson, and will bring a few more people in. As it stands, I promise that the quantity of DH content will not only increase, but so will the quality.I wish Naomi well and thank her for building this forum community; she did a stellar job of making people feel safe and welcome. But DH is a portal for quality information, innovative tools, bleeding-edge protocols and ambitious initiatives, and priorities amongst the DH team must be aligned in order to deliver.

    Thanks for the update, Keifer. I'm sure it will put many peoples mind at easy.


    Richard Schmitt

    Thank you for getting on here and letting us know details. Especially on what you have in store for us. It would be a real honor and privilege to be apart of your “Inner Circle”. Looking forward to the cutting edge material that also is in store. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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What happened to Naomi?

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