What happened to Naomi?

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  • #59018

    Brandon D Christ

    Very cool.  I was scared this forum was gonna become “dead”, meaning no innovation and just recycling old information over and over.


    Igor Vidovic

    Thank you Keifer knowing you're around brings any doubts to rest. I look forward to the new and improved DH family

    training log



    Well I've already noticed that Kiefer is hanging out more often on boards.Keep on posting!


    Shane Layton

    Very exciting to have more activity from Kiefer, and nice to know everything is moving forward.



    Yea it’s good news, also I checked out Naomi’s recipe website theHardcorechef.com and it was pretty cool, a lot of low carb recipes, and gluten free stuff.



    Yea it’s good news, also I checked out Naomi’s recipe website theHardcorechef.com and it was pretty cool, a lot of low carb recipes, and gluten free stuff.

    DangerouslyHardcore.com was supposed to have a recipes section planned for months now, but oddly enough, it never got one...but an independent recipe site suddenly sprang into existence from a former DH employee...(And so the plot thickens...)


    Brandon D Christ

    Yea it’s good news, also I checked out Naomi’s recipe website theHardcorechef.com and it was pretty cool, a lot of low carb recipes, and gluten free stuff.

    DangerouslyHardcore.com was supposed to have a recipes section planned for months now, but oddly enough, it never got one...but an independent recipe site suddenly sprang into existence from a former DH employee...(And so the plot thickens...)

    Oh boy I see what you meant now in your first post in this thread.  I like how you made yourself a Hero member too LOL.



    Yea it’s good news, also I checked out Naomi’s recipe website theHardcorechef.com and it was pretty cool, a lot of low carb recipes, and gluten free stuff.

    DangerouslyHardcore.com was supposed to have a recipes section planned for months now, but oddly enough, it never got one...but an independent recipe site suddenly sprang into existence from a former DH employee...(And so the plot thickens...)

    She put links to CBL and Carbnite.  She says that these are the diets to pretty much follow.  There is a recipe section here.  Maybe there was supposed to be a more detailed version of one but I find it helpful as I have used some of the recipes...



    I like how you made yourself a Hero member too LOL.

    No, look again...



    I like how you made yourself a Hero member too LOL.

    No, look again...

    haha this is awesome  ;D


    Jeffrey Hansen

    I also was worried the forum would suffer,  I actually went to Facebook (eww) and saw Kiefer has posted there and was more concerned, this last post is very comforting.  And I especially appreciate all the hero members and moderators.  Some of us need more help than others (to get out six packs)!


    Fernando Aguilar

    Too bad about Naomi, she had a sexy voice on the podcast… Maybe she's some kind of mermaid…  ???


    Brandon D Christ

    Too bad about Naomi, she had a sexy voice on the podcast... Maybe she's some kind of mermaid...  ???

    Lol a mermaid?



    Naomi left for several reasons, but I'll be honest, I asked her to leave. A dynamic developed where personal projects and prejudices trumped company policy and initiatives. Rather than servicing this community at the level of production and infrastructure, stubbornness and contempt ground DH to a halt.But don't worry, there will be experts on the forums with access to me and I will be hanging out on the boards more often. I'm working on my schedule to set aside one hour, three times per week to be on the forums. Although the appearance of expertise-by-association and stating opinion without mentioning that it's a guess may pass on some forums, it isn't the kind of “expert” you guys deserve on this forum and I promise you won't get that. I'm taking applications now to be in the "Inner Circle" but be very clear: If you post even a single time as a representative of DH and you pull it out of your ass rather than checking the research or checking with me, you'll be booted.I'm working with Dmunnee (Damon Amato) right now, Jason Phillips and Luke Robinson, and will bring a few more people in. As it stands, I promise that the quantity of DH content will not only increase, but so will the quality.I wish Naomi well and thank her for building this forum community; she did a stellar job of making people feel safe and welcome. But DH is a portal for quality information, innovative tools, bleeding-edge protocols and ambitious initiatives, and priorities amongst the DH team must be aligned in order to deliver.

    Interesting Thread....  Whatever happened with this????


    Brandon D Christ

    With what?

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 39 total)

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What happened to Naomi?

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