What if you are sick, recovering from a bad injury, surgery, away.

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    What would be best to do in such a scenario where you can't work out? Run the detox diet like its outlined in the article? I know the article mentions whey isolate post workout, would you get rid of this due to no training?Would it depend much on time span?lets say these timespans for example:3-4 weeks1-2 months2-3 months4-5monthsIt would probably be different from person to person.But let's say you're young and active in the gym, trying to put on mass, you get injured and then what. How would you setup the diet and try to get back to the gym without losing all you've worked for?


    Richard Schmitt

    What would be best to do in such a scenario where you can't work out? Run the detox diet like its outlined in the article? I know the article mentions whey isolate post workout, would you get rid of this due to no training?Would it depend much on time span?lets say these timespans for example:3-4 weeks1-2 months2-3 months4-5monthsIt would probably be different from person to person.But let's say you're young and active in the gym, trying to put on mass, you get injured and then what. How would you setup the diet and try to get back to the gym without losing all you've worked for?

    I would run the Detox Diet as is, even without the whey. Now the thing is though, running this type of diet should naturally be the beef, bacon, eggs, etc. The Detox is just more labelled and certain foods to get the certain affect. Just eat like you would on a ULC day of CBL or CNS. The beef, eggs, bacon, etc. This will help you be able to preserve the hard earned muscle you have, while losing body fat. Go for a walk since you can't lift, but take it easy so you can recover in the shortest time possible.


    Back in June I had surgery and was totally out of training for about 5 weeks, then I was slowly coming back with 1-2 times a week for 3 weeks.I ran the detox diet the whole time, I didn't use any whey when I wasn't training.It was just as easy to follow as eating SAD would of been.If you are wanting to avoid losing mass, you will have to eat a lot, and if you are laid up, accept you are going to lose mass but you will get it back quickly.


    if insulin causes growth, then wouldn't it be safe to say it would  help you recover from injury faster?  so would carbs be good to ingests when injured?



    if insulin causes growth, then wouldn't it be safe to say it would  help you recover from injury faster?  so would carbs be good to ingests when injured?

    Yes, but you're going to be getting nutrients to everything, liver, muscle and fat, so you're going gain fat from the regimen if you're having excess carbs too.I would say supplement with some creatine to help prevent muscle loss and maybe some leucine.  That and train around the injury if you can.  I'm of the opinion you can always find a way to train, some way or another.  Unless you're fully bed ridden.  Then maybe not so much, but I've always found a way to train, regardless of the injury.  Knees, lowerback, shoulders, elbows, neck...just minimize exercises to avoid the injured area and allow it to heel while working everything else.  If there is a will there is a way. 



    Thanks for all input! I'll try and see if i can benefit from the advice given 🙂


    Brandon D Christ

    Run the Detox Diet if you can, however I personally wouldn't be able to stomach the foods when I am sick.  In that case just eat whatever.


    Richard Schmitt

    Run the Detox Diet if you can, however I personally wouldn't be able to stomach the foods when I am sick.  In that case just eat whatever.

    +1 I would think that if anyone is sick...why keep dieting? Get better first and then start up that route.


    Brandon D Christ

    Run the Detox Diet if you can, however I personally wouldn't be able to stomach the foods when I am sick.  In that case just eat whatever.

    +1 I would think that if anyone is sick...why keep dieting? Get better first and then start up that route.

    I concur, if I am sick for an extended period of time, my priority is to get better and feel good, not on fat loss or maintaining muscle mass.

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What if you are sick, recovering from a bad injury, surgery, away.

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