What is normal eating?

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    Hi All, I went camping with friends Memorial Day weekend and had a planned break from CNS. I am so used to knowing what to eat on CNS and the opposite issue of knowing what to bring camping when I go off plan.Knowing I was taking a break I made sure to have the things I have been wanting, the list is rather short. Oranges, stuff for sandwiches on good bread, and popcorn. (and a few adult beverages)I know I live large! ;DAll of this got me thinking of when I am done with CNS and CBL; I really do not know what “normal” eating is anymore. Is it untra low carb if fat is existent, is it carbs only after working out? Are some foods just totally off my list now? (Please say it isn't so,I love fruit) So those of you that have found a balance after the programs, what is your normal now?  I realize we are all different and I will have to experiment for what works for me, but I was curious and wanted to peek into what everyone consumes after they are done with the plans. Or are we never really done?


    CBL is designed to be your 'forever' diet, in that, it's a series of rules that guide you on what foods work best and when in order to achieve your required goals.You can use the knowledge gained from CBL to minimise the damage, or maximise the gains from any particular foodstuff that you want to eat.So when you reach a point where you are happy with your body composition and move your goals to 'maintenance', then you can use the rules to help you make food choices that will achieve your new goal. For example, sure, eat fruit if it makes you happy - using the CBL rules you know that the 'best' time to eat it would be in the evening and ideally after an afternoon heavy resistance workout - that's when the fructose is most likely to be used for your benefit, and least likely to your detriment.CBL = 'normal eating'. If 'normal eating' to you means having and maintaining a great, healthy physique whilst still being able to enjoy most any type of food.PS CNS, however, *is* specifically a weight-loss plan - the suggestion is that you spend a maximum of 6 months on it, after which you need to 'reset' by switching back to a higher carb diet for a while. Like CBL!


    Richard Schmitt

    Well don't let anything keep you from being happy first of all, and second the beauty of this program is that you can do what you want say for a week or so, and can start it up again. By following the simple guidelines you can get to where you want to be. Now for that whole camping situation, I should post this in Ultra-Low Carb Recipes, but a good go-to food is "Trail Burgers"! Get some hamburger meat (make into patties), add seasoing to this, wrapped up in aluminum foil, and cook over the fire till finished. It'll cook in it's own juices and great fat/protein source while doing CNS or CBL. =)

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What is normal eating?

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