- This topic has 14 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 6 months ago by
May 13, 2015 at 3:51 pm #371137
Julia CombsParticipantHi I’m Jules. This is my first day and i must have missed it in the enourmous amout of reading i did last night, but what is the daily ratio of Fats to Proteins? How many Proteins and how many fats can i have a day?
May 13, 2015 at 4:14 pm #371279
Richard SchmittModeratorDepends on your situation. Training can affect macros, to the amount you need based upon your activity level, how much body fat you may hold, gender, health related problems/conditions, and the goal.
May 13, 2015 at 6:42 pm #371395
Jenelle BrewerParticipantI’ve been around here for over a year now — but I’ll be honest, if it’s not something I’m interested in, I don’t pay much attention. Lol. So I can’t exactly answer your question, beyond the answer that is so often given here, which is: “It depends”. Everyone here is all over the place, trying different things, figuring out what works for them as an individual.
Folks will be able to provide more detailed recommendations, if you give more detail about your situation. I think that’s what Tex was trying to say.
May 13, 2015 at 8:47 pm #371406
Julia CombsParticipantThanks Tex and Curious,
My BMI is around 43 so i have a ways to go, so I started off on the Simple Menue Plan for higher calories because it said for over 150 lbs (im am 175 right now) and OMG it had me eat 4! fried eggs, the breakfast was almost 500 calories. So yes i think i will be adjusting it a bit. I exercise moderatly about 4x a week weight training 2 of those days.
I just tried the beyond diet for about 6 weeks and didnt loose one pound, so I am kind of wary of these high caloric diets, although low carb has worked for me before. As long as I can stay away from the vodka!Thanks for your support!
May 13, 2015 at 9:50 pm #371407
Robert HaasParticipantIt’s a good idea to start a training/diet log so you can get better feedback on what is or isn’t working so you can continually fine tune to keep progress moving.
The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.
May 14, 2015 at 12:29 am #371415
Jenelle BrewerParticipantI just tried the beyond diet for about 6 weeks and didnt loose one pound, so I am kind of wary of these high caloric diets, although low carb has worked for me before.
A couple of thoughts here.
1) These are not supposed to be “high caloric” diets. (Part two of that would be: What do YOU consider “high caloric”?)
The idea with these programs is to keep insulin levels low, and to be full and satiated with mostly fat and protein. They work because people don’t feel like they are starving all the time, therefore find it easy to be in a deficit most of the time. You most certainly can (and will, ask me how I know) GAIN weight if you are eating too many calories for YOUR situation.
2) I don’t know what the Beyond Diet is. But I wonder if you have been yo-yo dieting for awhile (forever?) If so, your metabolism MAY be in a bit of a mess and it MAY take awhile to resolve that … But it can be done.
Do you know about how many calories you consumed on the Beyond Diet for 6 weeks?
May 14, 2015 at 3:42 pm #372267
Julia CombsParticipantThe beyond diet was about 2000-2400 calories. i tend to loose weight more on a 1200. CN seems to be very much the same diet, BD had a cheat day every 7 days and this has the carb nite. They are both based on 5 meals with protein and fat although the BD focuses more on organic, which I like. My trainer turned me onto CN. My first day I followed the simple higher calorie (because I am over 150kbs). I couldnt eat dinner last night becasuse I was so full after breakfast, lunch and two snacks. So I can already see myself adjusting the meals to lower the intake. I still do not understand the ratio though. I was told 1:1 by a coach on FB but the breakfast in the simple meal was 4 fried eggs, 2 ounces can bacon = 6-P and 2 ounced of cheese and a creamed coffee = 3-F so that is more like 2:1. Shoudl i adjust to 3-P?
May 14, 2015 at 5:25 pm #372405
Robert HaasParticipantHow’s your thyroid? A quick way to check is take temperature upon waking: Ideal body temperature is 36.6 to 37C
= 97.88 to 98.60FThe eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.
May 14, 2015 at 7:15 pm #372422
Julia CombsParticipantMy thyriod is fine. I just flew through menopause due to chemo therapy. I fought off breast cancer last year and chemo has a way of shooting you from pre to post menopause in a few months. That is the only reason I can think of that is making it so much harder to loose weight this time. If I cut my carbs i usually loose right away.
May 15, 2015 at 1:54 am #372497
Robert HaasParticipantWas the prognosis Her2 positive? Any prescribed HRT?
The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.
May 15, 2015 at 2:22 am #372498
julesGuestHer2 neg. I am still doing herceptin
May 15, 2015 at 10:40 am #372560
Robert HaasParticipantIf it were me in your situation I’d be doing a ketogenic diet and getting hormone panels done regularly looking for signs of estrogen dominance.
My guess is this why they have you on Herceptin.
Estrogen dominance if left unchecked is just inviting it back. I’d also be researching progesterone, DHEA, and melatonin supplementation to counteract estrogen dominance if it is present.
The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.
May 15, 2015 at 1:25 pm #372567
Jenelle BrewerParticipantShadow, I still have the book in my cart that explains all of these things — the one you told me about — but until then… Are there some telltale signs of estrogen dominance that we should be looking out for? I could google it, but I’d rather hear from you. Google’s a mess. Lol.
May 15, 2015 at 4:56 pm #372631
Robert HaasParticipantThe simplest is to just get a female hormone panel done. It’s cost is minimal I think around $53 for the basic one @ http://www.privatemdlabs.com/lp/Female_Hormone_Testing.php with a coupon code which can be googled. I would add progesterone testing to it as well because the P/E2 ratio is the important one.
It is simple procedure. Fill out the paperwork, they will have a Dr send you back a form to take to labCorp. They draw blood and the analysis is sent to you within a day or so. Sometimes the test can be difficult to interpret but there’s a lot of help out there through some very top notch forums specializing in this that can look at the analysis and tell you exactly what is going on.Another way is to look for symptoms but that can be very difficult because High or Low of any one of these hormones have the same symptoms.
If you want more info, my wife is much more up on this than me. It would probably be good to talk with her first before doing anything.
The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.
September 3, 2015 at 4:46 pm #403158
BetsyGuestRob made some very good points. I hope I can also help, from my perspective.
Estrogen dominance can result in some symptoms. I had estrogen dominant breast cancer, very early stage. Not HER2, not BRCA1 or BRCA2. For me, acne is a good indicator of a lot of estrogen; also, I had breast changes that were due to estrogen (mainly pain, wouldn’t really classify it as just “tenderness”). I developed the beginnings of endometriosis in mid-40s (and after child-bearing) which is NOT typical. I think mood (higher anxiety, etc.) is often suggestive of high estrogen, also. In addition, I was getting “ophthalmic” migraines from high estrogen levels. Opthalmic migraines are actually ocular and cause some loss of vision for a period of time, usually less than an hour; and they may or may not be followed by a headache. If on any type of birth control, you HAVE to get off if having these migraines as it could cause a stroke. I was getting them without any hormone introduction (i.e., birth control), though my first one occurred when I was on birth control to “correct” an issue with my cycle. I was only on it 1-1/2 months when it occurred. I had not taken any kind of birth control for 20 years before then. There are other symptoms, but I’m sure it depends on the person.
For getting rid of bad estrogens in the body, my doctor had me start taking Meta I-3-C (I-3-C is Indole-3-Carbinol) which helped tremendously. I had high estrogen that was easily suppressed and has remained suppressed using Meta I-3-C (Metagenics). I did have hormone panels done, and also use a Progesterone cream (a few years now). My doctor added a Testosterone cream about 4 months ago. I heard the Kiefer/Rocky podcast with Dr. Mark Gordon; and since I had already discussed it once with my doctor and was trying DHEA without good results (okay, it barely changed my regular T level; and my Free-T level was undetectable), he agreed that I should try it. DHEA is helpful for increasing T for women but not so much for men, according to Dr. Gordon; however, it just wasn’t working for me. I’d been on DHEA for a couple of years. I sent him the podcast, and he had actually heard Dr. Gordon lecture before and has met him. He believes in what Dr. Gordon does and thinks he is brilliant. Lucky for me! It has really helped me in the gym as my muscle tone was turning into mush which for me was translating into a look of cellulite. I was also noticing a very visible decline in my strength over about a 4 month period of time. I’m sure it didn’t help that I had let a friend / workout partner talk me into endless cardio in the gym in addition to weight training. I’ve changed that, too.
I would HIGHLY suggest also reading Dr. Gordon’s paper on Hormone Controversy. It is very enlightening and will help you understand a lot more about hormones and which are best to use and why. You can Google it to get it.
I also take T3 Fuel and I use CarbShock, but I only use the CarbShock on my CarbNites. I do wonder if I should be taking CarbShock on the days I resistance train, as well? Since doing CNS and taking T3 Fuel, my Thyroid medication (Armour which is a natural thyroid) has been reduced twice. I also had my A1C level go from just below the borderline for pre-diabetic to optimal in just 2-1/2 months into using CNS. My doctor said that change alone was HUGE, and he was very pleased. He said he wasn’t familiar with CNS, but said I should keep doing it because it’s working.
BTW…I was using Melatonin, as well (as suggested above) for a couple years. However, I’ve found that CNS by itself was enough to help me sleep without it; and removing it from my arsenal of supplements has not caused an increase in estrogen again as long as I’m taking the Meta I-3-C. That supplement alone is worth it’s weight in gold to me!
I don’t know if anything I said helps.
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