What kind / intensity of contraction -> GLUT-4

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    Hi there!Currently trying to gain weight / muscle on CBL.So dooing Backloads on days, which are non training days.Im interested, which kind of contraction is necessary to stimulate GLUT-4 expression.Think  a concentric contraction is necessary, right?Here is a thought:However this may sound a bit strange, and i am definitely not a fan: I got a gym, just 5 minutes away from my place.They got some vibrational devices (Powerplate) in there.When low intensity contraction is sufficient to stimulate GLUT-4,what about spending 15 Minutes on the Plate to upregulate it in a whole lot of muscle before backload on off-days?I don't think that would interrupt my recovery.Any thoughts on this?thx!!


    I don't know if it would help, but it wouldn't hurt so if you want to you might as well.Honestly, I doubt it will do a ton for tGLUT translocation but if could help with recovery and if it did happen to affect tGLUT then you're golden.


    Brandon D Christ

    Glut4 transolcation isn't an on/off switch.  The translocation increases as the contraction gets heavier and heavier.I highly doubt that powerplate will do anything significant, but it wouldn't hurt.  Honestly you probably be better off just doing HIIT or bodyweight exercises.

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What kind / intensity of contraction -> GLUT-4

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