Hello. Just joined the forum after purchasing ‘Carb Backloading’ and ‘Carb Nite’. Approximately 28% body fat on the basis of scales and calipers. UK based. From a training perspective my main focus is powerlifting, having never competed but very keen. Like many I have tried all sorts of ‘diet’ plans over the year with varying success. More recently I have been doing a stricter (ha!) version of IIFYM and intermittent fasting but constantly falling off the wagon. Poor training over the last couple of years and with no focus on maintaining muscle mass I have become a weak, fat blob. I will be changing this.
My intention is to follow Carb Nite with my other half for eight weeks (she will possibly do longer) and then move on to Carb Backloading. Always on the look out for guidance and tips so please feel free to throw in any pearls of wisdom. One of my main considerations before starting is around pre and post-workout nutrition on Carb Nite. From a pre perspective there is some guidance in Carb Backloading but nothing on post-workout from a Carb Nite perspective.
Let the fun begin.