What Side Effects to CN/CBL Have You Experienced?

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    I want to hear the good, and the bad!


    I want to hear the good, and the bad!

    Nothing bad to note for me, aside from the 'hangovers' after a CN.All positives... fat loss, muscle retention (and even growth) on CNS.  Quick strength and muscle gain on CBL, with minimal fat gain (or none at all).Haven't had an ounce of health issues.  If anything, I feel much healthier, even at peace (esp. on ULC).Cory


    Robert Gray

    CNS led me to try bulletproof-style coffee with butter and coconut oil.  My metabolism wasn't quite up to the challenge, and instead of feeling energetic, it made me feel like I had been punched in the sternum.On the plus side, My energy levels stay very stable on ULC days.



    Compulseively think about food, not much really changed if anything gained more fat on CN then i i did CBL, constantly hungry and super lethargic in the mornings



    Wow. Caino. It sounds like either there is something up with your hormones or you are just not cut out genetically for this sort of diet.



    -A bit stressful on CBL SA in terms of carb amounts and constant adjustments-CBL DB ultimate way to build solid mass.-CNS is great, effortless weightloss or lean gains depending on macro nutrient breakdown-Very simple easy to follow, definately idiot proof.



    Wow. Caino. It sounds like either there is something up with your hormones or you are just not cut out genetically for this sort of diet.

    Your on the money there friend, on a type of HRT in saying this though my mood is alot better since HRT and im weaning off the medication now it will be very very interesting to see what happens to my body if things change, but istill feel i progressed better on CBL as i posted in the CBL forum i think my body just doesnt like to constantly eat fats, follwed CN to an ultimate T and really relyed on fats alot more this time and if anything, yes i feel a lot more sloppy/irritable/hungry/compulseively or reallly relying on foods for satisfaction,IMO a 23 year old dude shouldnt be thinking like this



    Wait so you were on HRT while on CBL or CNS? whats your HRT dose if you dont mind me asking?



    I've been on hrt for 2 years now and my results since having been on have been much better in the muscle gain department. My dose is 200mg/week. Which puts me ~1000ng/dl



    Wait so you were on HRT while on CBL or CNS? whats your HRT dose if you dont mind me asking?

    on a trial HRT, called Clompophine Citrate (clomid) been using it since i started both protocols 5mg daily



    oh thats what I am on now for pct…. haha


    I don't have any bad experiences with either diets.I've fixed my personal food issues and learn how to use what foods for certain goals, I've lost fat, gained a significant amount of muscle, have much healthier hair and nails and a big increase in sex drive (which is good and bad depending on the situation)



    oh thats what I am on now for pct.... haha

    whats pct?and also i takr 25mg not 5mg per day



    Post Cycle Therapy (what you do after gear). Make me feel like hell fucking hate the stuff.



    try having no T what so ever man, i bet you a million bucks having no T is a major head fuck!, what symptoms on the clomid are you experienceing? the only one execpt for better mood, stress level, libido is shortness of breath

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What Side Effects to CN/CBL Have You Experienced?

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