What Side Effects to CN/CBL Have You Experienced?

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    Family members thinking I am crazy for eating so much at night/putting butter and oil in my breakfast-Occasional constipation-abusing carbs and keeping bf level steady -maxing out preloaded machines-warming up with someone else's max(with their permission)-Last and most annoyingly running out of plates(Small gym)



    Feeling great overall. Only side effect is being somewhat backed up since going ULC. Been rolling with some psyllium for a couple weeks to try and fix.Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2



    The only negative I can really say is being too horny. Really didnt think this was still going to be an issue during this time but libido still seems to be high right now.Other thing I could say is I gain muscle really easy while doing CBL. Need to switch to CNS but lets face it CBL is way more fun.



    I tend to sleep like shit (nightmares or just plain crazy dreams, sweating) most CNs or when I've backloaded.  There have been a few (very few) exceptions.  I also


    The only negative I can really say is being too horny. Really didnt think this was still going to be an issue during this time but libido still seems to be high right now.Other thing I could say is I gain muscle really easy while doing CBL. Need to switch to CNS but lets face it CBL is way more fun.

    And yet your stories never go where I think they're going...  LOL!Cory


    I tend to sleep like shit (nightmares or just plain crazy dreams, sweating) most CNs or when I've backloaded.  There have been a few (very few) exceptions.  I also

    Shit, I should've noted that... I get crazy dreams after CN.  For me, it tells me it worked.  Same with the insane internal heat.Cory



    The dreams are apparently due to higher seratonin levels from the carbs



    try having no T what so ever man, i bet you a million bucks having no T is a major head fuck!, what symptoms on the clomid are you experienceing? the only one execpt for better mood, stress level, libido is shortness of breath

    Well exogenous test or gear surpresses your natural t and HPTA man so when you get off and swtich to clomid to jump it up again there is a period where you are crazy emotional, moody, lack of libido and seriously weak. My dose is 100/100/50/50 wit nolvadex at 40/40/20/20 a 4 week therapy so yeah high doses.



    Feeling great overall. Only side effect is being somewhat backed up since going ULC. Been rolling with some psyllium for a couple weeks to try and fix.Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2

    Yeah I just make a solid effort now to drink absurd amounts of fluid before meals like total 2 gallons a day and it really keeps me feeling good and regular.



    The only negative I can really say is being too horny. Really didnt think this was still going to be an issue during this time but libido still seems to be high right now.Other thing I could say is I gain muscle really easy while doing CBL. Need to switch to CNS but lets face it CBL is way more fun.

    And yet your stories never go where I think they're going...  LOL!Cory

    Haha sorry to disappoint. I am pretty tame. I am more afraid of them than they are of me haha.



    CBL:Bad:Sleep at times is irrattic, sweaty, and some nights amazing.Dehydrate easier.Some fat gain.Carb hangover.Good:Strength gains.Size Gains.Increase sex drive.Improved performance on almost everything.


    The only negative I can really say is being too horny. Really didnt think this was still going to be an issue during this time but libido still seems to be high right now.Other thing I could say is I gain muscle really easy while doing CBL. Need to switch to CNS but lets face it CBL is way more fun.

    And yet your stories never go where I think they're going...  LOL!Cory

    Haha sorry to disappoint. I am pretty tame. I am more afraid of them than they are of me haha.

    Well, the stories were getting REALLY good, and going places... and then I'm like: "WTF?"  LOL.Cory



    CN for 2 month Start weight 207ish, End weight 188.5 Pro: Easy fat loss Never hungryCons:Failed to increase muscle/strength as much as I hoped (although I certainly didn't lose any)Overall: I'm extremely happy!Switching to CBL to increase muscle. However, if I gain fat, I'll be back to CNS lickity split.


    Richard Schmitt

    Besides losing body fat/weight, gaining some muscle, and slowly improving body comp. I've noticed I don't have acme, I don't have horrible body odor much any more, and my hair is rather soft/better.Not sure if that is because of the diet, but ever since switching over to this way of eating and eating better, everything got better.


    I've only been on CNS since 15/12/12, nonetheless, this is what I have experiencedCNS Good:1. 5" waist reduction (45" -> 40");2. Convenience of skipping breakfast; and3. Reason to drink copious amounts of espresso w/ heavy cream & butter.CNS Bad:1. Very low testosterone levels;2. ~40% reduction in strength;3. Random body shivers & shakes;4. Minor joint pains;5. Constant dehydration;6. Frequent urination; and7. Expensive butter budget.The only thing that bothers me is the reduction in testosterone - hope it rebounds & regulates.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 88 total)

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What Side Effects to CN/CBL Have You Experienced?

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