What Side Effects to CN/CBL Have You Experienced?

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    Robert Gray

    Go by the color of the yolk: yellow = not good, orange = good

    I watched an episode of The Layover the other day where Anthony Bourdain ordered fried eggs and black pudding in a hotel restaurant.  The yolks of those eggs were so orange they were almost red; I almost called a farm to place an order on the spot. The difference is really unreal.


    I've run both CBL SA and DB.CBL SA allowed me to drop bodyfat, increase lifts but I did get backed up every so often.  Solved by including psyllium in my diet.CBL DB allowed me to put on 5kg without increasing my waist size over 12 weeks which I've never done before.  Backloading the day before I trained, and increasing overall calories worked for me.I'm pretty pleased with the diet all being told, and have recommended it to many friends.



    Go by the color of the yolk: yellow = not good, orange = good

    I get my eggs from a local farm - due to seasonality, fat concentration in yolks changes in winter as the chickens are not able to eat insects and other things.I would love to know if the people down south constantly get strong orange yolks? I guess this has a lot to do with how the chickens are feeling as well? When I was living in Australia, my neighbour had two hens in her backyard. They would randomly walk into her house at times and get yelled at - they would stop laying eggs until the neighbour apologized  😮I swear I am not making this up.

    where's the local farm around where we are? it's so hard to find quality stuff around here!


    Go by the color of the yolk: yellow = not good, orange = good

    I get my eggs from a local farm - due to seasonality, fat concentration in yolks changes in winter as the chickens are not able to eat insects and other things.I would love to know if the people down south constantly get strong orange yolks? I guess this has a lot to do with how the chickens are feeling as well? When I was living in Australia, my neighbour had two hens in her backyard. They would randomly walk into her house at times and get yelled at - they would stop laying eggs until the neighbour apologized  😮I swear I am not making this up.

    where's the local farm around where we are? it's so hard to find quality stuff around here!

    PM sent 🙂



    The bad:Brain fog and lethargy during 10 day prep and for the first 1-2 days after a carb nite.Carb hangovers.Dark circles form around my eyes during ULC days. (I didn't notice this, my brother pointed it out a few weeks back, he said they go back to normal when I eat carbs on a CN).Early on I had some, eh...trouble with traffic on the brown highway (bowel movements).The good:Strength UP.Fat DOWN.Eating turkish delights and still losing weight.Eating cake and still losing weight.Eating Haribo and still losing weight.



    I'm on CBL right now. Generally I feel pretty good all around.Good Effects- Making progress in the gym.- Stuck at the same body weight, but my waistline is shrinking and I'm getting stronger, so I think I must be gaining muscle. Hope to pack on some pounds eventually though.- It's pretty fun shocking people with the sheer amounts of food I can eat.- Becoming the "diet guru" in my social circle.Adverse Effects- Having to buy fresh food all the time. Groceries were a lot easier when I was living off oatmeal, tuna and sardines.- A bit of ADD on ULC days. Might be due to ketones? I feel kind of high, similar to what I used to feel when doing 16-24 hour fasts.- On a backloading night, my sleep isn't so good. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, either to use the bathroom or just because I feel really hot and sweaty. I guess it's good and means my body is burning up the carbs and turning them into heat, but it's uncomfortable nonetheless.



    Usually I have trouble sleeping. I'll go to bed and then wake up a couple hours later soaked in sweat and can't get back to sleep. When that happens I am lucky to get 3 hours sleep. When this happens for 3 or 4 days in a row it really sacks me.RB



    If you get hot at night, leave the window wide open 😉 Drink lots of water before you go to sleep, have water near your bed for when you wake.


    Usually I have trouble sleeping. I'll go to bed and then wake up a couple hours later soaked in sweat and can't get back to sleep. When that happens I am lucky to get 3 hours sleep. When this happens for 3 or 4 days in a row it really sacks me.RB

    I have rarely had sleep issues with CBL/CNS but when I have been trying to add 1 tbsp MCT/CO oil before bed and so far it has seemed to help.


    Richard Schmitt

    MCT oil seems to be doing wonders for you huh?I sleep great during the CN, but if I try to stay asleep during my normal time to wake up my body makes me get up...


    MCT oil seems to be doing wonders for you huh?I sleep great during the CN, but if I try to stay asleep during my normal time to wake up my body makes me get up...

    I just thought It might help get some ketones in your blood for when your blood glucose finishes dropping that way you could be less likely to have a cortisol spike to get liver glycogen.I'd be interested to hear how people who normally have sleep issues on a backload/carb nite would react.



    Agreed I think that is sone of the importance of having some fat in the backload so that when the glucose clears the blood the body can switch back to using ketones.


    Richard Schmitt

    Explains the positive affects I've been having when I have ice cream as the ending carb meal. If I make a coconut oil type chocolate syrup to top it might make sleep even better



    I sleep lightly, but peacefully on ULC and either really deeply, or really badly on CN.


    I sleep lightly, but peacefully on ULC and either really deeply, or really badly on CN.


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What Side Effects to CN/CBL Have You Experienced?

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