What’s happened web site ?

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  • #9672

    Colin Hall

    Have noticed no articles on web site for a while now and just had 2 e mails off Keifer saying web site has been hijacked????Whats going on can someone fill me in ???Live in England so might be bit behind times with news !Also if this web site is going where are we gonna get out cutting edge I formation from in future???Sure Big Tex has the answers!!!! :-


    Athlete IO and DH are pretty much gone, largely due to some legal reasons. Keifer is working on starting something new, he has already done it with FB and luckily has made it a closed group (dear God did that group need it) and between the emails and the nicotine declassified it does seem to like he is becoming a bit more active which hopefully means some good things are to follow.


    Colin Hall

    Ok..Useful to know thanks. So is this forum going down as well then?And is there any other good web sites around backed up by good research like this one? Sites that don't contradict themselves, sites that are cutting edge?Get the feeling Keifer might put his energy into a new CBL and CNS book?


    Ok..Useful to know thanks. So is this forum going down as well then?And is there any other good web sites around backed up by good research like this one? Sites that don't contradict themselves, sites that are cutting edge?Get the feeling Keifer might put his energy into a new CBL and CNS book?

    I like John meadows stuff, and T-nation while hit or miss can be good. That's about the most I go to for training related stuff.I believe the forums will stick around, although they may be moved again.


    he has already done it with FB and luckily has made it a closed group

    could you post a link to the group? Thanks.


    Send Keifer your email address so he can verify you purchased CNS or CBL.https://www.facebook.com/groups/371177219682446/


    Thanks, Trevor. Done.


    Hmmmm…..still waiting. Wonder how long does he usually take to answer emails.


    Brandon D Christ

    Send Keifer your email address so he can verify you purchased CNS or CBL.https://www.facebook.com/groups/371177219682446/

    Message him on Facebook?



    Hmmmm.....still waiting. Wonder how long does he usually take to answer emails.

    It takes time to verify between databases. Please submit a request to join the group again.


    It takes time to verify between databases. Please submit a request to join the group again.

    I see. Done. Thank you, Kiefer.



    I just sent a request to join the FB group too.  Hope this forum doesn't go down though.  I was just getting comfortable.

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