Whats the plan after you peak?

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    Luis S.

    As the title says, whats the plan after you have reached your maximum amount of muscle your body will grow naturally? I would like to know what some of your plans are whether just maintenance work to stay at that point, or to begin hitting the juice. The reason behind this is not to judge, but to hear out some points of views from some of you. This came up the other day when i was having a conversation with a buddy of mine at the gym. The guy is 5'5'' and about 190lbs with 6% bf and stays like that no matter what he eats.  😮  He thinks he has reached his natural potential and is considering the options of whether to stay natural or "gear" up. Then this got me thinking of what might be my goals down the road, and honestly i dont know what would be best (i know this is individually opinionated). Would be great to hear what some of you  are choosing or might have already chose.



    I have lifted weights off and on since I was like 10 years old (33 now.)  But I always end up in the 'off' state more than 'on' so  I typically loose all my progress and put on body fat before hitting the gym again.  No matter how gung-ho I am starting out, I inevitably fall off the wagon again.  Given my propensity to get lazy and start eating Cheetos again,  I doubt I will ever reach my maximum genetic potential.  But if I should one day reach that point, well, it really depends on what my goals are at that time in my life.  I have nothing against steroid use by the common person (only in sports where its unfair) so it would just depend on if I feel like I would look better with more muscle.  Or I might be proud of the fact that I've built my muscle without them.  I would likely end up hitting the juice though, just because I'm not the type of person that likes to just tread water.  Busting my ass in the gym just to maintain would bore me to death.  Taking roids would keep my in the gym, at least for the length of my cycle 🙂



    When i get to my peak, I am gonna build a tower on it, from which i will launch an exploratory spacecraft, defeat Yog-Sothoth and become the next truly omniscient omnipresent ruler of the known and unknown universe, including planet ziltoid.Or, you know, realize that I can always improve, tweaking my diet, training and studying.

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Whats the plan after you peak?

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