When do you feel most cut and hard?

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    Nadya Topalovaivan

    Hi, guys,we all know that god-awful feeling of being bloat and soft and holding water and whatnot. Even at a relatively low BF%, say under 15. Heck, I've felt it when I was 9%. I hate the feeling, it's like "how come I left it all at the gym and a couple of hours later I feel so rubbery."Anyway, my question is have any of you got the "recipe" of feeling cut and hard. Something that works constantly (or at least whenever you want it to, I'll be more realistic)?! I've tried many things, different scenarios, but never gotten an answer that is always working, something that could be relied on.Sometimes I feel great when staying off carbs for a few days, sometimes I feel as cut as ever after consuming tons of it. Sometime in the morning, sometimes in the evening. I can't stick a fork in it! You get the idea, I hope.Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Let's make everyday a non-bloat day!p.s. Sorry for my English.



    Man i was just thinking that same thing today, in the morn im all tight and defined, by the end of the day im flabby as fuck, what goes?!



    It's called being dehydrated 😉


    Nadya Topalovaivan

    It's called being dehydrated 😉

    I drink about 3L water a day, dehydration shouldn't be a problem. Probably adding some sort of Electrolytes would help.It probably has something to do with holding water, but, again, I'm not so sure, because I never use salt and the saltiest food I eat is probably cheese, of which I don't think I eat THAT much.



    While you're sleeping your body dehydrates so that's why you look more cut in the morning



    John Meadows has an article on “fat loading” Stating if your lean enough, say 10 percent or lower. Load up on some steak, eggs, and you notice you'll get that dry and vascular look thats so desired. He says uses it pre contest now, and he is probably one of the hardest densest guys Ive ever seen, naturally, or not.I know when I was leaner, if I had a decent size steak I noticed the same effect, but I figured it was from the arginine...



    Also, I cant remember, but I believe Meadows was depleted of carbs when he did this. Sounds odd for pre contest, as you allows hear guys load up on CHO's pre contest, but I can always found the effects were best when I was depleted too….


    Nadya Topalovaivan

    A friend of mine, an ex-professional bodybuilder, told me stories how he loaded on rice before contest.The driest possible rice he could swallow, in order for the rice to "suck" him dry and make him look as cut as possible.


    Nadya Topalovaivan

    While you're sleeping your body dehydrates so that's why you look more cut in the morning

    I agree, however this is not always the case. I don't know why. Possibly, the thing you eat 1 or even 2 days prior matter. Maybe it depends on too many things that depend on other things to be able to find a global solution... without many, many supplements, I presume.



    Hmmm. The easiest way to figure out what works for you is probably to keep a food diary + details of how you look each morning. I'm actually thinking of doing this.


    Nadya Topalovaivan

    Hmmm. The easiest way to figure out what works for you is probably to keep a food diary + details of how you look each morning. I'm actually thinking of doing this.

    That would help in many areas. Requires some consistency, though. 🙂 Gotta do it!

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When do you feel most cut and hard?

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