whey isolate with stevia and leucine pre-workout

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    Just noticed that the whey isolate I purchased has leucine and stevia in it 🙁 I'm guessing this is a no-no since it will trigger an insulin spike pre-workout? correct?


    Richard Schmitt

    Just noticed that the whey isolate I purchased has leucine and stevia in it 🙁 I'm guessing this is a no-no since it will trigger an insulin spike pre-workout? correct?

    You shouldn't be taking any type of whey isolate pre-workout. Stick to coffee. UNLESS you're wanting to do some Density Bulking, and then go for it. Have the Accelerator Shake and/or Intra-Shake.



    Thanks for the info, I'm doing strength accumulation so I guess I should opt not to take the “ignition formula” he mentions in CBL 1.0. What about just doing some creatine and MCT with my caffeine pre workout?


    Richard Schmitt

    Thanks for the info, I'm doing strength accumulation so I guess I should opt not to take the "ignition formula" he mentions in CBL 1.0. What about just doing some creatine and MCT with my caffeine pre workout?

    I understand. The Ignitor Shake can help, but honestly you want to burn fat while lifting heavy and will spike insulin later with a PWO Shake and carbs. Creatine, MCT, and Caffeine is good. ECA Stack is better. Ephedra + Caffeine + Asprin = Awesome Hulk Effect 8)



    Thanks for the info, I'm doing strength accumulation so I guess I should opt not to take the "ignition formula" he mentions in CBL 1.0. What about just doing some creatine and MCT with my caffeine pre workout?

    I understand. The Ignitor Shake can help, but honestly you want to burn fat while lifting heavy and will spike insulin later with a PWO Shake and carbs. Creatine, MCT, and Caffeine is good. ECA Stack is better. Ephedra + Caffeine + Asprin = Awesome Hulk Effect 8)

    do you have powder forms of each? (epehdra, caff and aspirin?)


    Richard Schmitt

    No I know they come in pill forms. I have caffeine powder though.


    Brandon D Christ

    Thanks for the info, I'm doing strength accumulation so I guess I should opt not to take the "ignition formula" he mentions in CBL 1.0. What about just doing some creatine and MCT with my caffeine pre workout?

    I understand. The Ignitor Shake can help, but honestly you want to burn fat while lifting heavy and will spike insulin later with a PWO Shake and carbs. Creatine, MCT, and Caffeine is good. ECA Stack is better. Ephedra + Caffeine + Asprin = Awesome Hulk Effect 8)

    Where do you get ephedra?  It's illegal!


    David Margittai

    Where do you get ephedra?  It's illegal!

    Ephedra, yes. Ephedrine, you can obtain through buying an OTC asthma medication like Brokaid or Primatene (or generic store versions, if they carry them).


    Where do you get ephedra?  It's illegal!

    Ephedra, yes. Ephedrine, you can obtain through buying an OTC asthma medication like Brokaid or Primatene (or generic store versions, if they carry them).

    Yep. It's simply illegal to sell for "weight loss"


    Brandon D Christ

    Where do you get ephedra?  It's illegal!

    Ephedra, yes. Ephedrine, you can obtain through buying an OTC asthma medication like Brokaid or Primatene (or generic store versions, if they carry them).

    Yep. It's simply illegal to sell for "weight loss"

    That's interesting, does anybody else use it and at what doses?


    Richard Schmitt

    Where do you get ephedra?  It's illegal!

    Ephedra, yes. Ephedrine, you can obtain through buying an OTC asthma medication like Brokaid or Primatene (or generic store versions, if they carry them).

    Yep. It's simply illegal to sell for "weight loss"

    That's interesting, does anybody else use it and at what doses?

    I don't use it "yet" but it is suppose to be like a pre-workout supplement. Giving you that edgy boost to kick ass in the gym while the benefits to cut a bit of fat.


    I don't use it right now, but I have in the past. 25mg 3x a day. Each bronkaid tab is 25mg, there is another one, primatene, it has a different form of ephedrine at comes in 12.5mg if you wanted to start with a smaller dose.


    Richard Schmitt

    I don't use it right now, but I have in the past. 25mg 3x a day. Each bronkaid tab is 25mg, there is another one, primatene, it has a different form of ephedrine at comes in 12.5mg if you wanted to start with a smaller dose.

    I went looking for the discussion on the Facebook page, but no luck. It's either way down in the past or it was taken off.


    That reminded me, a lot of people use an ECA stack but Kiefer chimed in and said to avoid using aspirin with it.If I recall it was due to some cardiovascular risks.


    Richard Schmitt

    That reminded me, a lot of people use an ECA stack but Kiefer chimed in and said to avoid using aspirin with it.If I recall it was due to some cardiovascular risks.

    Ohh...must have missed that

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whey isolate with stevia and leucine pre-workout

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