whey protein

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    Brian Kealey

    Just a quick question about whey hyro,even with smaller doses it sometime gives me lower back pain which seems to be kidney pain.i have tried all sorts of brands and it still boils down to kidney pain after the second day. Just wondering have you any ideas for this or have ever came on something like this?


    Robert x Oleary

    Do you have a kidney malignancy already? Does this happen with any other form of protein for you? Also, I'm assuming you mean Whey HYDRO, and in Hydrolized correct?


    Rob Haas

    Kidney problems should show up on a simple blood uric acid level test correct?From what I gather CK levels do rise but not to a dangerous level if kidneys are healthy.


    Brian Kealey

    Hi and thanks for your replys,i did get blood work done before and the doctor said kidney function  was fine!Yes its hydrolized whey i tried now and recently tried isolate but i get the same pain on the second day.Its a dull type of pain in the lower back around the kidney area.It defo happens when i take a whey shake and i even adjusted the dosage down to 10grms just once a day in the evenings,but it still happens.I,m not great with milk products but i can take the isolate or hyrolized whey no problem other than the annoying pain.I never go past day 2 because you just know somethings not right!I did try egg protein and i didnt get the pain,just the taste is not great.I,m thinking maybe the isolate or hydrolized whey is absorbed to quickly and putting pressure on the kidneys or else maybe i might try a casein powder but i,m not sure about the lactose issues.Thanks for your help


    Melvin McLain

    Are you drinking plenty of water?


    Brian Kealey

    Yes i do and i always make sure to up my intake of water even after i take just 10 grms


    Robert x Oleary

    I know a few national lvl builders who can't do whey, so they use hydro-beef. The problem is that most of these products are heavy on the collegen, so if you go this avenue, make usre its collegen free. Not sure what zero carb options are out there, but I know muscle tech makes a fat free, low carb option that would be flexible with meal plans, pretty high in creatine-mono as well.


    Brian Kealey

    I used optimum nutrition hydro whey and there isolate which seems low in fat and carbs

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whey protein

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