which 5/3/1 day for carb nite

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    Which day will be most beneficial for strength gains to have my carb nite on?Mon. Squat Tues. BEnch press Thurs. Deadlift Fri. Press Thx


    Igor Vidovic

    CN on Monday after your squat session then train fasted Tuesday morning

    training log



    While that makes sense, it blows my mind because I'm used to training in the evening for cbl.



    Yeah probably squats. But you could also do it after the workout that trains the muscle group or lift you want to bring up the most. Based off that schedule I would do the carb nite after the press day on friday. Not because it was the most demanding, but because itll give you more glycogen reserves come mondays squat session and the squat/leg workout will help you deplete glycogen and get back into fat burning. But I dont think its going to make a huge difference, thats just what Id do.



    Both good suggestions. Thx.

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which 5/3/1 day for carb nite

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