White Bread + Breakfast Cereal

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    Kiefer says that whole grains will screw this whole thing up. Ive been looking for white bread and the first ingredient is whole wheat flour and for kids breakfast cereals like trixs, frosted flakes, and fruity pebbles, the first ingredient is whole grains. Will that affect my results?


    Richard Schmitt

    It can if you eat too much. Uhm try getting different bread and cereals maybe?



    ive searched the grocery stores and all the cereals contain whole grains first and same with bread. I guess i might have to find other options. My budget doesnt allow me to hit wendy's or my local pizza place every night, so im looking for cheaper ways to carb load.


    Richard Schmitt

    Most of us don't either so don't worry. Go generic


    Go for rice cereals.The generics use white rice mostly.



    Thanks for the help



    Interestingly Corn Flakes has a very high GI (83) and Frosted Flakes is only moderately high (53).  Should be no issue with Corn Flakes.  Puffed Rice (90) and Rice Chex (89) appear to be the best.


    Richard Schmitt

    I personally enjoy Rice Chex. Frosted Flakes can be ok but not entirely because of malt, malt is gluten. Just an FYI y'all. Make Puppy Chow with the Chex

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White Bread + Breakfast Cereal

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