Why i hate paleo

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    just wanted to comment on this video kiefer made about paleo. He talks about how usually people who start paleo generally will drop a lot of carbs and in doing so the body has time to heal itself. Then if you re-introduce bread you get a reaction since you are putting carbs back in your body not because of the gluten or whatever else… I have a couple issues with that. First paleo doesn't need to be low carb.. if you eat a ton of fruit and tubers you are still getting carbs all the time in your diet.. maybe not even close to as many as average person eats but easily not ketogenic diet. Then another thing I have tested on myself is after doing an elimination diet only select few foods cause a problem when re-introduced. I had no grains and almost zero carbs for over a month and put back in quinoa had no stomach problems at all. Added back in potatoes and rice, no reaction at all, even oatmeal no problems. Tried some dairy had horrible gas and stomach pains. Later on tried adding back some wheat and again horrible gas and stomach pains. So for me and i feel a lot of people it isn't just because they added back carbs it is substances in certain foods that cause these more severe inflammatory reactions and not just the fact you deprived yourself of a certain macro-nutrient for some period of time. He says in the video most people that went 30 days without any grains and added back bread had reactions which isn't a surprise, but i'd like to see the same tests done and only add back in white rice and potatoes or quinoa. My guess those same people won't have those horrible reactions they had to the wheat



    I'm glad to have found this post. I got the email for the video but then it wouldn't play for me! I was curious to see what Kiefer had to say, because he has an older youtube video where he says he thinks the paleo diet is a good healthy diet. As with almost anything diet related, this is on a total person by person basis. I took out grains and gluten for at least 2 months when I first started paleo and when I reintroduced, I didn't have a "reaction" per se but my digestive health definitely declined the more I ate the bad stuff. So... I didn't "give" myself a gluten intolerance. Paleo is actually a GREAT way to do CNS if you do it right. It makes me sad that he doesn't like it 🙁


    I've had issues in the past when I reintroduced milk back into my diet. I was having skim milk and frutty pebbles and ben and jerry's ice cream and each time it destroyed my stomach. One time I even threw up from the ice cream. However I can handle whole milk now and haven't tried skim milk since last spring or ben and jerrys since I got sick in May.



    I've had issues in the past when I reintroduced milk back into my diet. I was having skim milk and frutty pebbles and ben and jerry's ice cream and each time it destroyed my stomach. One time I even threw up from the ice cream. However I can handle whole milk now and haven't tried skim milk since last spring or ben and jerrys since I got sick in May.

    I don't know if this will help, but a lot of paleo people that do use dairy use the whole-fat versions only. And I can't remember why. But they're supposed to be better for you (on low carb).



    I'm glad to have found this post. I got the email for the video but then it wouldn't play for me! I was curious to see what Kiefer had to say, because he has an older youtube video where he says he thinks the paleo diet is a good healthy diet. As with almost anything diet related, this is on a total person by person basis. I took out grains and gluten for at least 2 months when I first started paleo and when I reintroduced, I didn't have a "reaction" per se but my digestive health definitely declined the more I ate the bad stuff. So... I didn't "give" myself a gluten intolerance. Paleo is actually a GREAT way to do CNS if you do it right. It makes me sad that he doesn't like it 🙁

    kiefer doesn't dislike paleo because of the food choices he says he doesn't like it because he believes it's not the specific foods people take out ie grains that make you feel better it's the fact you drop a lot of carbs... i agree in a way that dropping the processed carbs goes a long way in helping you get healthy but i also don't agree with him on the fact that specific foods do cause reactions in a lot of people not just because they didn't eat grains(or whatever the food) for 30 days


    Brandon D Christ

    I'm glad to have found this post. I got the email for the video but then it wouldn't play for me! I was curious to see what Kiefer had to say, because he has an older youtube video where he says he thinks the paleo diet is a good healthy diet. As with almost anything diet related, this is on a total person by person basis. I took out grains and gluten for at least 2 months when I first started paleo and when I reintroduced, I didn't have a "reaction" per se but my digestive health definitely declined the more I ate the bad stuff. So... I didn't "give" myself a gluten intolerance. Paleo is actually a GREAT way to do CNS if you do it right. It makes me sad that he doesn't like it 🙁

    kiefer doesn't dislike paleo because of the food choices he says he doesn't like it because he believes it's not the specific foods people take out ie grains that make you feel better it's the fact you drop a lot of carbs... i agree in a way that dropping the processed carbs goes a long way in helping you get healthy but i also don't agree that specific foods do cause reactions in a lot of people not just because they didn't eat grains for 30 days

    He didn't say that.  He just said that many people who think they are gluten intolerant really just can't tolerate carbs well. He said it's possible that gluten can still cause an allergic reaction. As you mentioned, you can eat paleo carbs and the test you did with the potatoes can be done.  However, I think when people cut out grains they will eliminate 90% of the carbs they consume because most people do not get a lot of carbs from fruits and potatoes aren't something that's eaten in the amounts that bread is.  They might not be ketogenic, but they will probably be on a low carb diet.



    I'm glad to have found this post. I got the email for the video but then it wouldn't play for me! I was curious to see what Kiefer had to say, because he has an older youtube video where he says he thinks the paleo diet is a good healthy diet. As with almost anything diet related, this is on a total person by person basis. I took out grains and gluten for at least 2 months when I first started paleo and when I reintroduced, I didn't have a "reaction" per se but my digestive health definitely declined the more I ate the bad stuff. So... I didn't "give" myself a gluten intolerance. Paleo is actually a GREAT way to do CNS if you do it right. It makes me sad that he doesn't like it 🙁

    kiefer doesn't dislike paleo because of the food choices he says he doesn't like it because he believes it's not the specific foods people take out ie grains that make you feel better it's the fact you drop a lot of carbs... i agree in a way that dropping the processed carbs goes a long way in helping you get healthy but i also don't agree that specific foods do cause reactions in a lot of people not just because they didn't eat grains for 30 days

    He didn't say that.  He just said that many people who think they are gluten intolerant really just can't tolerate carbs well. He said it's possible that gluten can still cause an allergic reaction.  As you mentioned, you can eat paleo carbs and the test you did with the potatoes can be done.  However, I think when people cut out grains they will eliminate 90% of the carbs they consume because most people do not get a lot of carbs from fruits and potatoes aren't something that's eaten in the amounts that bread is. They might not be ketogenic, but they will probably be on a low carb diet.

    he believes most reactions are just from the re-introduction of carbs.. i bet you those people he tested add in other sources of carbs like the ones i posted above they won't have any reaction at all but the wheat will cause a reaction in most people.also in red he does say pretty much exactly that, you drop the carbs you eliminate the stress and your body heals.i guess the question is if it's something that takes the body a long time to get used to is it something you should be eating in the first place? when there are plenty of other suitable replacements that you body does not require any time to get used to just to stomach it.


    Brandon D Christ

    I'm glad to have found this post. I got the email for the video but then it wouldn't play for me! I was curious to see what Kiefer had to say, because he has an older youtube video where he says he thinks the paleo diet is a good healthy diet. As with almost anything diet related, this is on a total person by person basis. I took out grains and gluten for at least 2 months when I first started paleo and when I reintroduced, I didn't have a "reaction" per se but my digestive health definitely declined the more I ate the bad stuff. So... I didn't "give" myself a gluten intolerance. Paleo is actually a GREAT way to do CNS if you do it right. It makes me sad that he doesn't like it 🙁

    kiefer doesn't dislike paleo because of the food choices he says he doesn't like it because he believes it's not the specific foods people take out ie grains that make you feel better it's the fact you drop a lot of carbs... i agree in a way that dropping the processed carbs goes a long way in helping you get healthy but i also don't agree that specific foods do cause reactions in a lot of people not just because they didn't eat grains for 30 days

    He didn't say that.  He just said that many people who think they are gluten intolerant really just can't tolerate carbs well. He said it's possible that gluten can still cause an allergic reaction.  As you mentioned, you can eat paleo carbs and the test you did with the potatoes can be done.  However, I think when people cut out grains they will eliminate 90% of the carbs they consume because most people do not get a lot of carbs from fruits and potatoes aren't something that's eaten in the amounts that bread is. They might not be ketogenic, but they will probably be on a low carb diet.

    he believes most reactions are just from the re-introduction of carbs.. i bet you those people he tested add in other sources of carbs like the ones i posted above they won't have any reaction at all but the wheat will cause a reaction in most people.also in red he does say pretty much exactly that, you drop the carbs you eliminate the stress and your body heals.

    You're making it seem like he's saying gluten intolerance doesn't exist.  He never said that.  He said the method being used to self-diagnose it (the elimination diet) is flawed and is possibly leading to false positives.  He is not speaking in absolute terms.



    You're making it seem like he's saying gluten intolerance doesn't exist.  He never said that.  He said the method being used to self-diagnose it (the elimination diet) is flawed and is possibly leading to false positives.  He is not speaking in absolute terms.

    he does say it exists but he doesn't believe it's as prevalent as people make it out to be.. i disagree with his reasoning behind it though. His theory is it is the carbs you take away that cause a reaction in a good % of people when bread is re-introduced not a real allergy. You would need to retest those people and see if they had the same reaction after a 30 day carb deprivation and re-introduce another form of carbs like white rice.  My bet is they would not have such a reaction as the body can easily handle white rice and most people cannot easily handle wheat(especially if they haven't had it in awhile), which is why it takes such a long time for the body to get used to it again while other foods don't require a period of "getting used to".



    I've had issues in the past when I reintroduced milk back into my diet. I was having skim milk and frutty pebbles and ben and jerry's ice cream and each time it destroyed my stomach. One time I even threw up from the ice cream. However I can handle whole milk now and haven't tried skim milk since last spring or ben and jerrys since I got sick in May.

    I don't know if this will help, but a lot of paleo people that do use dairy use the whole-fat versions only. And I can't remember why. But they're supposed to be better for you (on low carb).

    Paleo is generally concerned with the quality of the product. Especially dairy. So the preferred variety of something like milk is generally grass-fed raw. The fact that it still has beneficial bacteria in it actually helps to make it more digestible for you and I.



    I was looking for info on this, and came across this thread.  Last Monday I switched from the CBL diet to the CNS solution.  Since I was going to have to do the 10 day Reorientation anyway, I spent the prior weekend eating carbs to fill up my stores.  Before starting the CBL diet, I very rarely ate white flour products, and instead mostly ate a wide variety of whole grains (including brown rice and corn).  So that weekend, these are the carbs I ate, and I had a terrible reaction. Gassy, headaches, lethargy, and bad mood.  I had a hard time eating so many carbs on a CBL, but I didn't have this reaction to the high GI refined products, or white rice.  I'm wondering if it was just a reaction to eating carbs outside of a CBL situation, or if it was the unrefined wheat products.  I remember that I was told that I was allergic to wheat and milk as a young child (tested by MD and diagnosed), but I seemed to have grown out of it.  Then I came across this article today: http://www.healthline.com/health/allergies/wheatHere's the first paragraph of the article:

    Wheat allergy, the most prevalent food allergy, is most common in young children, usually developing in the infancy and toddler years. Some infants and young children will appear to lose their wheat allergies between the ages of three and five, however some will merely be in remission until their 20s or 30s. Some children will continue to experience wheat allergies throughout their lives. While wheat allergies that develop in adolescence or adulthood are rare, it does occur.

    So, it looks like another data point to include is whether you were allergic to wheat as a young child, since it's rare to develop a wheat allergy as an adult independent of a child allergy.  That said, this article help parse out the two issues, and complicates the issue a bit: http://celiacdisease.about.com/od/commoncomplicationsofcd/f/Wheat-Allergy-vs-Gluten-Allergy.htm

    Not everyone with a true wheat allergy is reacting to the same part of the wheat plant: researchers have actually identified 27 different potential wheat allergens. The notorious protein gluten is one potential allergen, but there are more than two dozen others.When you have a true wheat allergy, you suffer near-immediate or slightly delayed (by no more than a few hours) symptoms following a meal that includes wheat products. Symptoms are often respiratory in nature (stuffy nose, wheezing, watery eyes) but in the most serious cases can include difficulty breathing and shock.

    So, it sounds like SanosukeX was experiencing the common symptoms of a wheat allergy, whereas I wasn't as an adult.  However, it get's complicated, because who knows if I was reacting to one of the 27 compounds in wheat that are removed when flour is refined.I was hoping that I was just having a reaction to introducing so many carbs over the entire day, and had nothing to do with any kind of allergy.  That said, I take a regular medication for another issue, and have noticed that during a few days going ULC the side effects of the medication goe away.  I not gonna play a guessing game though, I'll make an appointment with a doc and get tested.

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Why i hate paleo

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