Will/can CBL make me a 260lb BEAST?

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    Tom Singleton

    I love CBL and have been doing it a while now but your mind does wonder sometimes whats best? Could I be progressing faster or better trying something else?  I suppose it's human nature and I'm sure I'm not the only one who asks themselves this sometimes. So what do you think, What's the best diet strategy to help me become 260 pound bodybuilding beast,  regular standard BB diet or CBL?




    Tom Singleton

    Ha, Well yeah obviously the other supplements and training would have to be in place to reach such heights but can this form of diet protocol support such size and growth?!



    Of course it can several Body builders follow a similar protocol. Once again though they are on some type of steroid.


    Ha, Well yeah obviously the other supplements and training would have to be in place to reach such heights but can this form of diet protocol support such size and growth?!

    It can support it, but you just have to eat a lot. You will probably want to eat more in the first half of the day then a lot of people do, and also more at night plus maybe some intra workout.


    Brandon D Christ

    CBL works really well for putting on muscle.  So I'd say it'd work well for getting your weight up to 260.  Now steroids?  If we are talking a lean 260 you will probably need steroids, but you could easily be 260 at 12-15% body fat if you are 6'2″.


    Tom Singleton

    Ha well unfortunately I'm not 6'2, only  5'11 but it's good to know you all believe it will work. To be honest i want to be lean at any weight, hence why I follow CBL!


    Tom Singleton

    What would be everyone's tips for using CBL to get as much muscle mass as possible?


    Richard Schmitt

    Continuously eating and lifting heavy to be honest.


    Brandon D Christ

    Continuously eating and lifting heavy to be honest.

    +1Just follow what the book says and be patient.  Putting on size takes a long time.



    Eat clen and tren hard.



    Eat clen and tren hard.



    Tom Singleton

    First, “like” for the above comment. What do you think of this then, typical training day (non training day is the same minus the post shake and half the evening carbs.)I'm 190lbs, 10-12% bf (was 200lbs but cut down for a holiday I just got back from) Breakfast: black coffee - coconut oil                3 slices of bacon (high quality thick cut 10g protein per slice)                3 large eggs                 Cup of fresh baby spinach               Omega 3-6-9 capsuleSnack: 27g whey isolate          30g almonds            Lunch: 200g meat, (chicken, beef mince or lamb)          30g full fat cottage cheese          Slice of cheese          Mixed SaladPre: 27g whey isolate       4g creatine ethyl ester      Black coffee - coconut oilTrain 45min- 1 hourPost- 50g maltodextrin         27g whey isolate        10g  casein         4g creatine        400ml semi skimmed milkDinner: 200g beef, chicken or fish            Sweet potato, white rice or bread             Baby spinach            Omega 3-6-9 capsule            2- fresh bakery cookies Snack: 25g casein          10g whey isolate          25g maltodextrin            300ml semi skimmed milk          3- fresh bakery cookiesBefore bed: 30g cottage cheese                 80-100g ice cream or 2 pan cakes                 Multi vit/mineral Your thoughts?    


    Brandon D Christ

    Looks fine. 


    Tom Singleton

    Good good, managed to go up 4 pounds in the last week since getting back from vacation on it so I shall stay the course!

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Will/can CBL make me a 260lb BEAST?

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