Wine on ULC days?

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    Read the chapter in the CBL book called "Sensitivity, It Varies".CBL relies on non-insulin mediated tGLUT translocation, which does not occur in fat cells. You want fat cells to be less insulin sensitive when you slam the carbs.  Roger agreed.

    CBL relies on diurnal rhythms of insulin, being more resistant to insulin in the morning, so by eating high glycemic foods or insulinotropic foods would cause a larger rise of insulin thus causing more storage from more insulin being released.

    You are more sensitive to insulin in the morning, not more resistant. Yeah, you got me on that one...I meant sensitive.  I find the resistant/sensitive phrasing confusing at times when trying to explain, perhaps I should rephrase and say increase in storage (sensitive) or decrease in storage (resistant).  Something like that.

    By fasting we are attempting to make the body more insulin sensitive.

    The fasting part of CBL is there because eating will stop the fat burning processes. Yes, this is true, but the why is two-fold...fasting will not produce insulin spikes, whereas eating will--true, however, fasting also can increase insulin sensitivity which we want, but at certain periods of the day. Here's a good study...I think I could probably find more, but I'm lazy today.  Think about it this way if you were insulin resistant, you'd get to a point of having a diabetic like reaction, which is not what you would want.  You want the muscle to be sensitive and the fat cells to be resistive (or) lack the proper enzyme actions to create/store bodyfat.  Now, I admit CBL states that the non-insulin mediated GLUT4 response in the muscles is primary for the process to work through resistance training, but insulin has a part to play in that too, since otherwise the best way to grow would be just eat protein and fats and resistance train, done, end of diet.  Insulin plays an important part of this process and I don't think it can be readily explained by the research studies as of yet.  Thoughts or rebuttal?

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Wine on ULC days?

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