women on carb nite

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    Yeah, I listened to the wedding episode. It really helps explain the differences. I'll have to find and read the estrogen article. As for muscle, she could stand to gain some in the quads, some in the glutes, and definatly the hamstrings . We are really focusing on her legs. Her back, arms and shoulders are good. Chest is professionally sculpted so its fine. She's been lifting hard for a year now, and her strength has almost doubled. It's fun when the gains come that quick. I just wish she could diet down that easy!



    I'm not able to click on the links for the tips for females 🙁 I think they're listed in the thread as part one and so on. Can someone please point me in the direction where the tips are listed that she mentioned she had compiled. Thanks so much!!


    Lesli Bortz

    Who compiled? Me or another?

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women on carb nite

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