Workout Music!

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    They make me rage lift all the's awesome. I'm also currently listening to Arch Enemy and Dry Kill Logic. EBM(not EDM) stuff also gets me going pretty well, has some good techno beats with the metal rage.Get Your Body Beats by Combichrist.

    Love me some Combichrist, totally forgot about that one. Electrohead is my go to song haha.



    Combichrist is pretty cool. I mostly listen to Death Metal and other genres like those. Amon Amarth, Bolt Thrower an Kreator are really kickin it in the gym



    100% screaming death metal is a little much for me.. slipknot has a nice blend usually as Corey has a great voice.. when it's just screaming it gets annoying imho



    the whole concept of lifting while listening to a podcast is odd to me.. i dunno i guess i like to just get zoned in to my workout which music helps.. i couldn't see how i could do that when listening to someone have a discussion about something i'm interested in

    Exactly why I pick something that is just idle chatter and humorous, like Adam Corolla's podcast. Then you're not overly involved trying to understand what's happening, etc. To me it's like having a TV show you only half care about on in the background while you're doing work or something.



    …just topping up my workout playlist; a little Korn, Mudvayne and Static X. Gonna beast it in the gym after work  😛I need my tunes to block out damn spotters counting off someone else's reps too close to me, that's really distracting when I'm trying to count off my own, lol


    Tony Snow

    When I am lifting I actually listen to NPR talk radio to stay caught up with the news since most days I lift in the AM, when I am doing HITT I listen to Soulful/Deep House…think Louie Vega, Mr. V, Terry Hunter, Osunlade, etc.



    crank "people=shit" by slipknot and tell me that doesn't get you to want to lift some heavy shit:)

    That is such a fucking awesome album 🙂I remember seeing these guys in concert about 15 years ago when this album came out (yeah its been that long!!)...One word... SCARY!!!




    They make me rage lift all the's awesome. I'm also currently listening to Arch Enemy and Dry Kill Logic.

    Hatebreed, FFDP, Full Blown Chaos, Amon Amarth, Lamb of God, Impending Doom, Job For a Cowboy, Disturbed, Heaven Shall Burn, Terror, Madball, etc. etc. etc.I like to lift to all kinds of music as long as it's metal, death metal, or straight edge hardcore...


    Paul Galicki

    Typically, I listen to death metal and grindcore when I work out. These have been in heavy rotation as of late:Carcass, Surgical SteelPhilip Anselmo & The Illegals, Walk through Exits OnlyExhumed, NecrocracyJesus Ain't in Poland, Freiheit Macht FreiGorguts, Colored SandsImmolation, Kingdom of ConspiracyDying Fetus, Reign SupremeFleshgod Apocalypse, LabyrinthDeeds of Flesh, Portals to CanaanAlso: Pantera--so much Pantera. Listening to Official Live: 101 Proof still makes me feel like I can punch through cartoonishly thick armor plating and drop-kick engine blocks over tall fences. 


    Igor Vidovic

    I've recently added Volbeat to my list oF artists in the playlists. Can't believe I haven't heard of them up until now. FML

    training log


    Walter Norwood

    I'm all over the place, the music helps me avoid talking to anyone and it's my little getaway from life for the 45 minutes to an hour that I'm in the gym.


    Had a few to add to the listSoilwork: Distortion Sleep/OverloadViolent work of Art: Wars to win and wars to loseLinkin Park: Points of Authority/ Breaking the HabitPowerman 500: When Worlds Collide/FreeSonic Syndicate: AftermathCrossfade: So far AwayBreaking Benjamin: Diary of JaneNine Inch Nails: Every day is exactly the same----Actually end whatever I did that day with this song



    Today's workout anthem; Mudvayne – F*cking Determined

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