Would you consider chin ups as resistance training?

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    Nadya Topalovaivan

    Hi all,I was on my way to the gym today, running a bit late I almost found myself in a horrible traffic jam. I decided I don't want to spend an hour in the car and get frustrated and all nervous, so I turned back and went to do some chin ups and pull ups on a bar in my neighborhood. I did 5 set of chin ups - 49 reps total,then 2 sets pull ups - 20 reps total,all in exactly 21 minutes.I don't do them all that often, but when I do, I try to maintain as good of a form as I can. I'll say 90-95% perfect form. Slow and controllable.So, would you consider this resistance training? Any thoughts?



    Those are great exercises to do, but I'd try and make a longer workout from it.  You could throw in some inverted rows if there's a convenient spot to do them.  Pull-ups and chin-ups aren't easy, so I'd consider them resistance for sure, but you're a bit more limited in how you can progress them, obviously.  Those are always a part of my back routine though.


    Nadya Topalovaivan

    Pull ups are, usually, just a part of my back training (I would do 3-4 sets of them though), however today I only had a bar and that was it. So I just make as much as I could. I'm pretty happy, though, pretty nice pump and quite a tough workout for 20 min, that is.

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Would you consider chin ups as resistance training?

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