Yuck!! Help!!!

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    Sherylea Hurst

    Help!! I have been 2 years now on carb nite…..over the past few months I have gained 4 or  5 lbs, not the good kind and I can't get rid of it.  I do hiit 2 times per week and do a 5 day split strength training program. I walk 30 minutes a day as well. I am very strict with my ULC days. ….should i start over with induction phase?  I have not changed a thing so does anyone have any idea where this extra weight is coming from? I am 5'3 and usually weigh 110 but I'm now sitting at 115 and not liking it at all!! Please help  🙂


    Jenelle Brewer

    I would guess that over the past few months, something has changed with your stress level and/or sleep.  But also -- 5'3" and 110 pounds is quite lean.  May be difficult to maintain all the time, forever and ever.  You know?  This is where women tend to get stuck... if calories are already low and they are already working out like crazy, they think they have to cut calories even more and work out even more.  But that can't go on forever.  Eventually you hit a point where you have to re-evaluate and make some new decisions.  Maybe that is more food.  Maybe that is less exercise.But I don't know you, your age, your stess, your life.  Just throwing some things out to ponder.  If you track calories, macros, at all, that would be helpful for anyone else who wants to chime in.


    If you ask for advice you need to give full stats.Height and weight are there.Body Fat %?What does training actually look like?Macros while ULC?Rough idea or macros of Carb nite?My guess would be you are training to much and/or not eating enough and have seriously down regulated your metabolism for the last couple years.


    Sherylea Hurst

    Sorry, I should have posted this information.  I am 5'3 and approximately 115 lbs....I would say my body fat is at about 20-22%. My training is Monday - 4 sets of HIIT for a total of 12 minutes Shoulders/Triceps approx. 35 minutes Tuesday- 3 sets HIIT for a total of 10 minutes BACK/Biceps  approx. 35 minutesWednesday- Legs 45 minutesThursday- OFFFriday, Sat, Sun....repeat Monday, Tues, Wed.  I also walk every day for about 25 minutes.My day is always the same and has been for 2 years as far as my diet goes...Waking - Green tea with Heavy whip cream ( about 4 tablespoons)Breakfast- 1 Tbsp. fish oil-1 egg-1 piece of baconLunch2 Cups raw cabbage ( coleslaw) half avocado and 2 ounces of Grass Fed beefSnack1 cup cabbage, 2 ounces of beef, 1 eggTRAINEvening  2 scoops protein powder PW  approximately 50 grams protein w/ unsweetened almond milkMy carb nite is usually a big bowl of rice krispies with Dextrose, 2 donuts, Fat free frozen yogurt, ice cream and chocolate ( towards the end of the night) and pizza, over about 4 hours.  If anyone could help me as to why I am not losing but have gained what I know for sure is fat please I would appreciate any advice.  Thank you so much 🙂


    Sorry, I should have posted this information.  I am 5'3 and approximately 115 lbs....I would say my body fat is at about 20-22%. My training is Monday - 4 sets of HIIT for a total of 12 minutes Shoulders/Triceps approx. 35 minutes Tuesday- 3 sets HIIT for a total of 10 minutes BACK/Biceps  approx. 35 minutesWednesday- Legs 45 minutesThursday- OFFFriday, Sat, Sun....repeat Monday, Tues, Wed.  I also walk every day for about 25 minutes.My day is always the same and has been for 2 years as far as my diet goes...Waking - Green tea with Heavy whip cream ( about 4 tablespoons)Breakfast- 1 Tbsp. fish oil-1 egg-1 piece of baconLunch2 Cups raw cabbage ( coleslaw) half avocado and 2 ounces of Grass Fed beefSnack1 cup cabbage, 2 ounces of beef, 1 eggTRAINEvening  2 scoops protein powder PW  approximately 50 grams protein w/ unsweetened almond milkMy carb nite is usually a big bowl of rice krispies with Dextrose, 2 donuts, Fat free frozen yogurt, ice cream and chocolate ( towards the end of the night) and pizza, over about 4 hours.  If anyone could help me as to why I am not losing but have gained what I know for sure is fat please I would appreciate any advice.  Thank you so much 🙂

    Dear God how do you live? You eat nothing.Seriously, get on Myfitnesspal and track calories for a week, that can't be more then 800 calories if even that.



    in my opinion.. I don't see enough consumption of fat. You need to add more fat to your diet.. and raise your ketone levels. Personally I started making a switch of eat most of my fats in the morning and afternoon with a little bit of protein (whey/casein blend post workout).. and switching to most of my proteins at night.. lean meats. But in this switch.. I increased my fat intake.. and I'm seeing better results.You also need to increase the amount of foods you eat. I don't recommend eating double of what you're eating by tomorrow. If you feel full with with what you posted.. I'd start by incrementally adding more fat and protein.. and getting a .5g fat/1g fat ratio going. If you are obese (which you are not.. it would be a .5g fat/.5g protein). Over time, you will be eating double.. and you will be shredding fat.


    Spend some good time looking into Layne Norton and reverse dieting.


    Sherylea Hurst

    Thank you very much for that, I appreciate it!



    One more trick.. get pork rinds.. I have a cabinet full of this stuff. It's supposed to be 6 servings per bag.. but i eat a half a bag easy. They are extremely cheap.. 5 grams of fat + 8 grams of protein per serving.. munch on these throughout the day.. and get back to us in 2 weeks 😀


    Jenelle Brewer

    Just to chime in here as another female — seriously, you are not eating enough food.You are not eating enough food, even if you were working a desk job and not working out AT ALL.Your weight gain is your signal that your body has had ENOUGH of this.Listen to Trevor, please.  It's the best advice you are going to get.


    Be aware if you have been eating this little for a long time, you will have to reverse diet for a few month, even up to a year to actually get to the point of eating enough food without gaining a massive amount of weight.


    Sherylea Hurst

    Thank you very much for all your responses.  I have started eating more, to begin with I have added some coconut fat/manna with each meal.  I thought I would add a tbsp. of coconut fat with each meal to start and then as you suggest Trevor to gradually keep increasing over time.  Thanks againSherylea


    Sherylea Hurst

    Just one more thing.  Because I have been eating far to little but have put on some weight is it in my best interest until I up my food and lose the weight to refrain from an CN?  Or at the very least limit my food to maybe 2 hours on CN with just a dinner and dessert?  Thanks


    Just one more thing.  Because I have been eating far to little but have put on some weight is it in my best interest until I up my food and lose the weight to refrain from an CN?  Or at the very least limit my food to maybe 2 hours on CN with just a dinner and dessert?  Thanks

    I would actually not do carb nite, I would do backloading. Or if you did have less crazy carb nite's and keep calories around the same.


    Sherylea Hurst

    Ok Trevor please educate me here….I thought Carb backloading was for someone, particularly a woman whose body fat percentage is very low and not carting around excess body fat?

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Yuck!! Help!!!

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