Zinc and Magnesium

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    Reviving this thread:  I bought a zinc test liquid.  The liquid is a a zinc solution in distilled water and you put it in your mouth.  If it tastes metallic, that means you have good zinc levels.  If it tastes like hydrogen peroxide, or even worse like water, then you have low zinc levels.Well I failed it.  It tasted like hydrogen peroxide to me.  I started supplementing with zinc (the same kind that is used in ZMA, but not ZMA itself) and I noticed it cleared some minor acne issues I was having.Something to consider for the rest of you.

    What type of Zinc do you take?


    Brandon D Christ

    Reviving this thread:  I bought a zinc test liquid.  The liquid is a a zinc solution in distilled water and you put it in your mouth.  If it tastes metallic, that means you have good zinc levels.  If it tastes like hydrogen peroxide, or even worse like water, then you have low zinc levels.Well I failed it.  It tasted like hydrogen peroxide to me.  I started supplementing with zinc (the same kind that is used in ZMA, but not ZMA itself) and I noticed it cleared some minor acne issues I was having.Something to consider for the rest of you.

    What type of Zinc do you take?

    The supplement is called OptiZinc.  It uses zinc monomethionine.



    I use Ageless Male, and it has adequate amounts of zinc and magnesium. Use it as per the recommended dosage and you’ll see consistent results. There are several other mineral and vitamin supplements, so do a bit of reading to make sure what you buy is backed up by scientific studies and is safe to use.http://supplement-geek.com/ageless-male-review-resettin-testosterone-mytosterone-alpphastat/

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Zinc and Magnesium

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