Zinc and Magnesium

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    Does anyone have any insight or information regarding the recommended daily dosage (for men) of Zinc and Magnesium?Before bed I take two servings of a ZMA supplement (from MusclePharm) which gives me about 130mg of Magnesium and 15mg of Zinc. I typically eat lots of eggs, chicken, beef, and various other meat products but was considering taking an additional mineral supplement.If ibob or Cory could chime in on this, it would be appreciated.Thanks!



    Is it true that you need to take potassium with zinc & magnesium to enhance absorption?



    Oh, and I think 20-25mg of zinc is what men need to go for. I take 15mg daily as a 130 lb female.However, it interacts with other minerals like copper so can get kinda complex. Epsom salt baths are also great for magnesium regulation. The first couple times I used Epsom salt baths I REALLY noticed the effects, now not so much. I think this is a good indication that I was deficient to start with, which is interesting b/c I take 500mg daily plus ZMA. Hence the Q on potassium.


    Does anyone have any insight or information regarding the recommended daily dosage (for men) of Zinc and Magnesium?Before bed I take two servings of a ZMA supplement (from MusclePharm) which gives me about 130mg of Magnesium and 15mg of Zinc. I typically eat lots of eggs, chicken, beef, and various other meat products but was considering taking an additional mineral supplement.If ibob or Cory could chime in on this, it would be appreciated.Thanks!

    Combine proper diet, a good multi (organic food-based, for best absorption... kinda expensive), and ZMAs (which are specifically formulated), and you will be good to go (as an active person).Just be sure to take your ZMAs 1-2 hours after final meal, pre-bed, and not w/ calcium (b/c they compete for absorption, and calcium will win).Cory



    I disagree with Cory. Skip the multi. It's a stab in the dark. Use targeted nutrition for what you know you need.



    I disagree with Cory. Skip the multi. It's a stab in the dark. Use targeted nutrition for what you know you need.

    I recommend looking at the article on the Bulletproof site that talks about what vitamins/minerals to take


    I've seen both sides of the coin re: multis, but I will never stop taking a multi (as well as extra, specific vitamins on the side).  The popular belief (and gurus) shift back and forth so much, so do what you feel is right for you.  My body is an unstoppable machine, so I know I am on the right track ( plus, just got my bloodwork back to further solidify my stance.  😉 )However, skip the Centrum-style multis you tend to find in shops!  That's artificial crap.The multi I take is a large, fibrous pill.  It was created from organic whole food sources.  Not a single lab created or modified ingredient.  Straight from nature (as advertised).  A bit on the expensive side, but you get what you pay for.  It also notes that it DOES NOT need to be taken with food for proper absorption (due to the ingredients).  I still take it with food, but it is not a requirement.I also suggest you purchase a targeted multi for your age-range AND gender.My diet is complete, but I take the multi to be safe... added insurance.  I pop one w/ breakfast and one post-workout w/ my shake (it is a one-a-day, but I take it twice).As I said above:  proper diet, a multi, plus ZMAs... and you will be set for your Zinc & Mag. requirements.Cory



    The reason I asked is that I want to up my intake of Chromium and Vanadium via a multi but I don't want to add too much extra Zinc and Magnesium.


    The reason I asked is that I want to up my intake of Chromium and Vanadium via a multi but I don't want to add too much extra Zinc and Magnesium.

    How active are you?Zinc & Mag. deplete quite quickly in relatively active people, esp. in full-blown athletes.  If you are afraid of OD'ing, do what was suggested above... and use targeted supplementation (and forgo the multi).If you are like me, and cross-train... active 6 days a week, and even doing cardio on the 7th rest day, you should be more concerned that you are getting enough zinc & mag.  If you are even lifting ~4 days a week, you might be concerned about getting enough.If you are sexually active, consider that as well.  Zinc depletes during male ejaculation.Stress also depletes zinc levels.You need zinc for your hormones, you also need zinc to live.Cory



    The reason I asked is that I want to up my intake of Chromium and Vanadium via a multi but I don't want to add too much extra Zinc and Magnesium.

    How active are you?Zinc & Mag. deplete quite quickly in relatively active people, esp. in full-blown athletes.  If you are afraid of OD'ing, do what was suggested above... and use targeted supplementation (and forgo the multi).If you are like me, and cross-train... active 6 days a week, and even doing cardio on the 7th rest day, you should be more concerned that you are getting enough zinc & mag.  If you are even lifting ~4 days a week, you might be concerned about getting enough.If you are sexually active, consider that as well.  Zinc depletes during male ejaculation.Stress also depletes zinc levels.You need zinc for your hormones, you also need zinc to live.Cory

    I'm not over-stressed but that could be because I'm not under-sexed lol anyways, I'm in the gym at least four times a week but often five. I'll add a higher intensity cardio session once a week and I'll do small "feeder" workouts once or twice a week, depending on how I feel.


    The reason I asked is that I want to up my intake of Chromium and Vanadium via a multi but I don't want to add too much extra Zinc and Magnesium.

    How active are you?Zinc & Mag. deplete quite quickly in relatively active people, esp. in full-blown athletes.  If you are afraid of OD'ing, do what was suggested above... and use targeted supplementation (and forgo the multi).If you are like me, and cross-train... active 6 days a week, and even doing cardio on the 7th rest day, you should be more concerned that you are getting enough zinc & mag.  If you are even lifting ~4 days a week, you might be concerned about getting enough.If you are sexually active, consider that as well.  Zinc depletes during male ejaculation.Stress also depletes zinc levels.You need zinc for your hormones, you also need zinc to live.Cory

    I'm not over-stressed but that could be because I'm not under-sexed lol anyways, I'm in the gym at least four times a week but often five. I'll add a higher intensity cardio session once a week and I'll do small "feeder" workouts once or twice a week, depending on how I feel.

    Well, sex aside, training 4-5 days a week warrants zinc supplementation.  Sex included, and you definitely should be supp'ing with zinc... b/c you are supplying your partner (or a condom) w/ zinc per bedroom session (or wherever you fancy the act).  LOL! ;DCory



    The reason I asked is that I want to up my intake of Chromium and Vanadium via a multi but I don't want to add too much extra Zinc and Magnesium.

    How active are you?Zinc & Mag. deplete quite quickly in relatively active people, esp. in full-blown athletes.  If you are afraid of OD'ing, do what was suggested above... and use targeted supplementation (and forgo the multi).If you are like me, and cross-train... active 6 days a week, and even doing cardio on the 7th rest day, you should be more concerned that you are getting enough zinc & mag.  If you are even lifting ~4 days a week, you might be concerned about getting enough.If you are sexually active, consider that as well.  Zinc depletes during male ejaculation.Stress also depletes zinc levels.You need zinc for your hormones, you also need zinc to live.Cory

    I'm not over-stressed but that could be because I'm not under-sexed lol anyways, I'm in the gym at least four times a week but often five. I'll add a higher intensity cardio session once a week and I'll do small "feeder" workouts once or twice a week, depending on how I feel.

    Well, sex aside, training 4-5 days a week warrants zinc supplementation.  Sex included, and you definitely should be supp'ing with zinc... b/c you are supplying your partner (or a condom) w/ zinc per bedroom session (or wherever you fancy the act).  LOL! ;DCory

    Haha the girlfriend is going to get a kick out of this- especially since she is studying exercise science!Alright, I think I'm sufficiently convinced to supp up! Thanks errbody.



    If you are sexually active, consider that as well.  Zinc depletes during male ejaculation.Cory

    Sunuva... I guess I should up my ZMA from a double dose to a triple. Thanks for posting that, I actually did not know that.Maybe more, considering I weight trained 12 sessions last week.Edit: I'm curious what brand of multi you're using.


    Brandon D Christ

    I do not take ZMA becauseI think it is very overpriced.  I personally take 400 mg of magnesium citrate with 200 mg of potassium.  They don't need to be taken together, but i helps.  I actually do not supplement with zinc, so I have no opinion on the issue.


    If you are sexually active, consider that as well.  Zinc depletes during male ejaculation.Cory

    Sunuva... I guess I should up my ZMA from a double dose to a triple. Thanks for posting that, I actually did not know that.Maybe more, considering I weight trained 12 sessions last week.Edit: I'm curious what brand of multi you're using.

    Welcome.As for my multi:http://www.swansonvitamins.com/megafood-dailyfoods-mens-one-daily-90-tabs...comes in 30, 60 and 90 pill bottles.  Very good brand, albeit a tad expensive.  They sell it @ Whole Foods Market (and some Vitamin Shoppes), so you don't have to order online necessarily.Cory

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Zinc and Magnesium

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