Zinc and Magnesium

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    Well, I was under the impression that most people are, especially people who train hard.However, beef and lamb are great natural sources, so we might be okay on this diet 🙂I remember the first time I started taking it years ago. Within days my libido was through the roof. I took that as a good sign and I haven't stopped taking it since 😉

    Yep.  Zinc is VITAL for athletes and active folk.  You deplete that shit quick-like, and you need it to live (and for hormone production).Supp'ing, on top of diet, is the way to go.Cory

    The question is do you get enough from diet.

    As fast as athletes / active types deplete... then figure in stress and sex / ejaculation (for men), and I don't want to risk it.I train 6 days a week... and do cardio on the 7th.Cory



    As fast as athletes / active types deplete... then figure in stress and sex / ejaculation (for men), and I don't want to risk it.I train 6 days a week... and do cardio on the 7th.Cory

    Indeed. I've never been comfortable with absolutes or vague definitions either. "Active" men need 30mg fits into both of those categories. I mean if we're splitting hairs here, what's the "active" number of ejaculations per day lol? How much zinc depletion per? Is it a function of frequency or actual volume? Rate of zinc depletion during training? Size of male zinc "reservoir," if you will?



    I'm sure even with the exact same workout routine/body weight/nocturnal activities different men will deplete at different rates thanks to genetics. It also seems to be the case that the more copper you have in your diet (or tap water, as is the case in London and NYC at least) the more zinc you need.There certainly is a down side to not having enough zinc. I guess the more important question is, is there a down side to supping with 15-30mg per day for someone who is already getting enough via dietary sources? If not y'all should be supping!


    Indeed. I've never been comfortable with absolutes or vague definitions either. "Active" men need 30mg fits into both of those categories. I mean if we're splitting hairs here, what's the "active" number of ejaculations per day lol? How much zinc depletion per? Is it a function of frequency or actual volume? Rate of zinc depletion during training? Size of male zinc "reservoir," if you will?

    Maybe it varies from male to male.  Typically, 3mg of zinc lost per ejaculation.  Then figure in stress and activity levels of varying degrees... you get the picture.I supp to be safe, rather than sorry.Cory


    Richard Schmitt

    How much Zinc should someone take? That and Vitamin D? I bought some yesterday BUT didn't know how to supplement correctly.


    How much Zinc should someone take? That and Vitamin D? I bought some yesterday BUT didn't know how to supplement correctly.

    I'd just get ZMAs and follow the bottle dosing... usually 3 pills for men, and 2 for women.  That formula is specific, and marketed to active types.As for D... it can vary from person to person, but I've read that 3,000mg per day supports healthy testosterone levels.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    How much Zinc should someone take? That and Vitamin D? I bought some yesterday BUT didn't know how to supplement correctly.

    I would take at least 4,000 IU of Vitamin D each day.  In the summer, I do not take vitamin d because I am outside shirtless a lot.


    Brandon D Christ

    How much Zinc should someone take? That and Vitamin D? I bought some yesterday BUT didn't know how to supplement correctly.

    I'd just get ZMAs and follow the bottle dosing... usually 3 pills for men, and 2 for women.  That formula is specific, and marketed to active types.As for D... it can vary from person to person, but I've read that 3,000mg per day supports healthy testosterone levels.Cory

    3,000 IU not mg!  That's hypervitaminosis waiting to happen!


    How much Zinc should someone take? That and Vitamin D? I bought some yesterday BUT didn't know how to supplement correctly.

    I'd just get ZMAs and follow the bottle dosing... usually 3 pills for men, and 2 for women.  That formula is specific, and marketed to active types.As for D... it can vary from person to person, but I've read that 3,000mg per day supports healthy testosterone levels.Cory

    3,000 IU not mg!  That's hypervitaminosis waiting to happen!

    You're right, my error.  I meant IU.  I am so used to measuring supps in mg and g, that I forgot to switch my brain over.  ::)3,000 IU is correct, not 3,000mg.Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    Reviving this thread:  I bought a zinc test liquid.  The liquid is a a zinc solution in distilled water and you put it in your mouth.  If it tastes metallic, that means you have good zinc levels.  If it tastes like hydrogen peroxide, or even worse like water, then you have low zinc levels.Well I failed it.  It tasted like hydrogen peroxide to me.  I started supplementing with zinc (the same kind that is used in ZMA, but not ZMA itself) and I noticed it cleared some minor acne issues I was having.Something to consider for the rest of you.



    Why don't you use the actual ZMA?


    Brandon D Christ

    Why don't you use the actual ZMA?

    It's cheaper to buy the ingredients separately.  A lot of people think ZMA is some sort of magical supplement, but all it is zinc, magnesium, and vitamin b6.  I also read that you should take copper with zinc anyways, which ZMA does not contain.  The zinc supp I buy has copper in it.I also don't like taking vitamin b6 before bed because it gives me nightmares and makes me sleep terribly.


    Reviving this thread:  I bought a zinc test liquid.  The liquid is a a zinc solution in distilled water and you put it in your mouth.  If it tastes metallic, that means you have good zinc levels.  If it tastes like hydrogen peroxide, or even worse like water, then you have low zinc levels.Well I failed it.  It tasted like hydrogen peroxide to me.  I started supplementing with zinc (the same kind that is used in ZMA, but not ZMA itself) and I noticed it cleared some minor acne issues I was having.Something to consider for the rest of you.

    Hmm, this is really interesting.Would you mind posting a link to the test you got?


    Brandon D Christ

    Reviving this thread:  I bought a zinc test liquid.  The liquid is a a zinc solution in distilled water and you put it in your mouth.  If it tastes metallic, that means you have good zinc levels.  If it tastes like hydrogen peroxide, or even worse like water, then you have low zinc levels.Well I failed it.  It tasted like hydrogen peroxide to me.  I started supplementing with zinc (the same kind that is used in ZMA, but not ZMA itself) and I noticed it cleared some minor acne issues I was having.Something to consider for the rest of you.

    Hmm, this is really interesting.Would you mind posting a link to the test you got?

    http://www.amazon.com/Designs-Health-Zinc-Challenge-Beauty/dp/B000FGXMAY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1364164242&sr=8-1&keywords=zinc+challengeYou can use it as a zinc supplement too, but it is expensive so I would just by it and keep it for testing your zinc levels.


    Reviving this thread:  I bought a zinc test liquid.  The liquid is a a zinc solution in distilled water and you put it in your mouth.  If it tastes metallic, that means you have good zinc levels.  If it tastes like hydrogen peroxide, or even worse like water, then you have low zinc levels.Well I failed it.  It tasted like hydrogen peroxide to me.  I started supplementing with zinc (the same kind that is used in ZMA, but not ZMA itself) and I noticed it cleared some minor acne issues I was having.Something to consider for the rest of you.

    Hmm, this is really interesting.Would you mind posting a link to the test you got?

    http://www.amazon.com/Designs-Health-Zinc-Challenge-Beauty/dp/B000FGXMAY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1364164242&sr=8-1&keywords=zinc+challengeYou can use it as a zinc supplement too, but it is expensive so I would just by it and keep it for testing your zinc levels.

    I'll look into try it soon, thanks man.

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Zinc and Magnesium

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