Consume protein powder, without spiking insulin…

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    Been doing more reading.Turns out that vegan protein powder offerings, like Pea, Hemp, Soy, etc., the plant-based stuff, do not surge insulin like the dairy protein powders.  They appear to be a safe alternative for the ULC phase, if you NEED a powder source.Pea was getting a LOT of great reviews in the sport / lifting mags, back when it first emerged around 2009/2010.  I'd say it is the best bet of the vegan options.As I said above, I will be running pea protein, as needed during ULC, and see how it goes.Cory

    Perfect, thanks man. This option really fits my needs and lifestyle.  That, and for personal/ethical reasons I don't eat a lot of meat, and only if it's the really expensive, not factory farmed stuff.



    How about this one: It's a rice protein:

    Would buying a 30% Rice/ 70% Gemma Pea Protein blend suffice in replacing whey completely in they diet for the ULC part of the day and post-workout?  I just ask because it's the cheapest protein on and I'm always trying to save money.

    Why not replace with full pea, if replacement is your intention?  Pea protein is allergen-free, highly bio-available and not only high in BCAAs, but also Arginine (good for blood flow and GH).If you must replace whey for cost, then just go full pea.  No reason to blend w/ rice.Cory

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Consume protein powder, without spiking insulin…

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