I've said it before but I really think that people are over thinking the rep range WAY too much. Obviously you may run into problems with a rep range much above 15 or 20 for most things but 15 reps can still be beneficial to backloading. Anyone who thinks otherwise should go and do 3 sets of 15 on squats at a weight close to a 15 rep max and tell me they don't feel like they should eat some carbs. If people are really concerned just stack 80% of your carbs to within and immediately post workout, ala John Meadows. I'd love to hear from the OP how this went for him if...assuming he stuck to it long enough to actually work.
Spot on! I've noticed people that "train for the diet" run into problems. CBL is a performance diet, it is supposed to support your training, not the other way around.