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    Hey guys, i think im hitting a plateau.. i havn't seen any changes to my body since almost my 2nd carb nite. I finished my 3rd carb nite last sunday and still havnt seen my body change OR my scale change. i weighed the same since my 2nd carb nite I'm not sure what to do now. I definitely see big change in the first 2 weeks. I see definition for the first time in my abs area, but this plateau is scaring me!I started at 240lb 6'1 36% body fat (not sure how accurate this is), now i weigh 230lb after 3 weeks of CNS, not sure my body fat percentage now, but it's definitely lower than when i started. BUT THIS PLATEAU IS KILLING ME!im tempted to start CBL after this up coming carb nite to maybe give my body a shock, and switch back maybe after 2 weeks. :'( :'( :'(



    Give an example of a regular day breakdown and a carb nite breakdown so we can see if there are any items you can tweak. I have been tweaking my carb nite with the use of cbl methods and I have seen differences post carb nite usually in the positive area of fat loss but little scale change.



    You have lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks and think you've hit a plateau? Patience…the body doesnt work in a linear fashion.



    10 lbs in 3 weeks yeah it takes time for the body to adjust, take it easy and be patient, it may just be the body getting used to things before resuming fat loss.

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