3.90% Body Fat…Is this correct?

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  • #134800


    Hydrostatic weighing is really the only method I would trust for an accurate baseline reading. The other methods are best for determining changes in body fat rather than absolute amounts.I would estimate you're likely in the 8-10% range. 4% bodyfat would be appropriate for stepping on to a bodybuilding stage. It isn't a state the body is willing to hold for a long period of time - and generally one is able to see significant numbers of muscle striations in that condition.

    Did you see the picture man?? He is for sure lower than 8-10! Hes 125lbs!

    +1 for sure. He's not even flexing in that picture and you can see the texture and graininess of all the muscles. I'd say 4% seems right, give or take a tiny bit maybe.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    It is just a guide so you have a point of reference to track your progress.Nobody actually knows what 3%, 6%, 10%, or 20% body fat actually looks like.

    Absolutely right. The only way to know with 100% certainty how much body fat you actually have is to take it out of your body and weigh it (not possible while alive). If you feel healthy and you (and others) think you look healthy, I don't think it's anything to worry about.

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3.90% Body Fat…Is this correct?

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