5/3/1 app

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    Just thought I'd share that iPhone has an app that logs and works out all your 5/3/1 workouts for you!Pretty neat app too, choose the one with the actual Wendler style image as it Also sets up all your assistance work


    Luis S.

    Thats freaking awesome! What do i look up up as on the ap store?



    Wendler 5/3/1. There are two. Sir from down under, have you tried the other app? I only have an iTouch, no iPhone  >:(



    Both are good and free but the one with the book image had more options plus upload to excelJust search 5/3/1 in app store


    Iphone is the devil.



    This app is pretty cool. They should build one for Shockwave- 😉Also they have a 5X5 app as well.


    Richard Schmitt

    This app is pretty cool. They should build one for Shockwave- 😉Also they have a 5X5 app as well.

    Oh yeah I downloaded them both and have a jefit app that helps customize training logs. I need to get the 5x5 app now. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    Is 5/3/1 and/or 5×5 a good program for relative beginners?


    Richard Schmitt

    Is 5/3/1 and/or 5x5 a good program for relative beginners?

    5/3/1 is pretty stupid simple like this diet program and I keep hearing it's great for starting or getting strength. 5x5 I believe is good for strength as well. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    Is 5/3/1 and/or 5x5 a good program for relative beginners?

    Definitely! Its good for everyone, but the fact that they both focus on the big lifts and simple progression make them perfect.For a TOTAL beginner I'd do Starting Strength (3x5 vs 5x5) since a raw beginner won't need the deload every 4th week that is prescribed by Wendler in 531. However, any of the three programs will give you good results. Remember, the most important thing for a beginner (or any lifter) is simply persistence. Someone who sticks to an OK program for 6 months will see better results than someone jumping back and forth between the best programs every two weeks.



    For a beginner I would suggest 5X5, 5 reps of 5 sets, for 2-3 months. Then switch to 5/3/1, this will keep your muscles building and guessing. Good books to read for a beginner----Anabolic diet 5/3/1 WendlersAny 5X5 protocolAnd of course Carb nite/ Carb back loading.



    Is 5/3/1 and/or 5x5 a good program for relative beginners?

    Read Rippetoe's Starting Strength. teaches proper form and offers a 5x5 starting workout I believe.

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5/3/1 app

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