A little variety to the typical HIIT workout…

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    I'm trying to add a little variety to my HIIT Cardio workouts. So far I have come up with doing HIIT intervals on:1. Treadmill (what I always end up doing)2. Stationary Bike3. Rowing Machine4. Elliptical5. Sled pushesDoes anyone have any other more creative ways of doing HIIT that have worked out well for them?Also, does playing basketball at a high intensity level (Sprinting anywhere possible/playing aggressive defense) work as acceptable cardio for Carb Backloading?


    Richard Schmitt

    Kettle bells, Tire Flips, Sprints, Hill Sprints, Run for 30-60 seconds followed by a light jog/walk



    i like the tire flip variation…how do you go about designing a HIIT session using large tires? Tire Flips for 30-60 seconds followed by 2-3min rest?


    Richard Schmitt

    i like the tire flip variation...how do you go about designing a HIIT session using large tires? Tire Flips for 30-60 seconds followed by 2-3min rest?

    That would be a good place to start



    Speaking of Tyres… another good one is smashing it with a Mallet / Hammer. 30s with right arm leading, rest 30s, 30s with left arm leading, rest 30s. Repeat as necessary. Try beat the number of hits each round from your previous.Another good one... Tie a rope around a pole and shake it to generate waves through the rope. Keep this up for your work interval then rest. Try it with two ropes (one each hand).Another rope one. Start at one end of the Gym with a long rope in a pile. Holding one end, sprint to the opposite side of the Gym. Once you reach the otherside, spin around and reel in the remainder of the rope until it is at a pile at your feet and you are holding the opposite end. Rinse and repeat for however many repetitions.



    ^ I like that. Wheres the best place to get a large tire for cheap? any repair places get rid of old tires/give them away for free?



    Light standard running. Jog for 4 posts, then sprint for 1. Or jog for 8 and sprint for 2. Stadium run would work too. Run all out up the stairs and then take your time walking down.RB



    ^ I like that. Wheres the best place to get a large tire for cheap? any repair places get rid of old tires/give them away for free?

    I am a diesel/industrial mechanic and your best bet would be to call aound to your local heavy equipment/agricultural shops to see if they have any used tires.  Buying a huge tire that you see on TV is pretty expensive.  Most shops will give you the tire because they have to pay a fee to have the rubber taken away.  Keep in mind that it might have a chunk taken out of it or a hole in the side wall.


    I've been using basketball on CN as my HIIT with great results. I hustle my ass off and sprint on offense and getting back on D. By the end of the night - I play for 2 hours on and off - I feel like I'm going to puke. Very similar to the feeling I get from doing sprints. Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2


    I love doing battle ropes, sled pulls/drags, and farms walks. Those are my favorites by far.



    Boxing is all the HIIT I need.



    Has anyone tried Tabata on battle-ropes? AMAZING!

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A little variety to the typical HIIT workout…

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