Alternative Exercises

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    I have a home gym and I'm looking for alternatives to the leg press and leg curl in the plan.


    Squat for Legpress. I generally do a front squat.For legs curls... I'd squat or maybe lunge.My motto is, when in doubt, squat.


    Lasse Elsbak

    Glute ham raise instead of hamstring curls. Stick your feet under something heavy, like a power rack. You could also hold on to a bar of some sort to help control the motion.Example:



    Brandon D Christ

    Romanian Deadlifts for Hamstrings.  Sissy squats for Quads.



    Alright, well what about the angled calf press? Should we just do regular standing calf raises, or is there some other, better exercise to use?


    Lasse Elsbak

    Do them unilaterally! I find standing calf raises hard to load properly, since I don't have a machine for it, but on one leg you don't need as much weight.



    Do them unilaterally! I find standing calf raises hard to load properly, since I don't have a machine for it, but on one leg you don't need as much weight.

    I've never been able to feel or get into a proper groove with single leg calf raises.



    Do them unilaterally! I find standing calf raises hard to load properly, since I don't have a machine for it, but on one leg you don't need as much weight.

    Have you considered doing them using a dip belt instead of a barbell?

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Alternative Exercises

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