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June 26, 2012 at 1:56 pm #2343
chefladyKeymasterI'm pretty new to the Forum but am hoping you all might be able to give me some insight. I have been doing CNS for almost 3 weeks and have my 3rd carb nite tonight. To date, however, I haven't lost any weight…not even during the recalibration phase. Not even water weight. It's clear that I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what.Here are my stats:I am a woman, 32, 5'4, 142, 24% BF with ALL of my fat carried in my hips, thighs and buttocks. I've read that this tends to be more stubborn fat so maybe this is a factor?Fat/Protein Days:I usually start with a one hour walk (at less than 65% of my mhr, per kiefer), then get ready for work, drink 16oz of coffee with 2Tb of heavy whipping cream and 1ts coconut oil. Lunch is usually some sort of salad with protein. I do eat a lot of nuts throughout the day, and dinner is a protein, veg combo. In tracking my food, I have noticed that with the coconut oil, heavy whipping cream and nuts, my daily fat intake is always higher than my protein intake. But even with that, I'm still consuming roughly 1300-1400 calories a day. On days that I lift in the afternoon (3 days a week), my food stays the same.Carb nite Days:I'll be honest, my first carb nite was a bit over the top (french fries, cookies, chips, a cinnamon roll!) and my second was a family event so I probably overdid it there as well (fried chicken!). I do make sure that I lift before carb nite and do some sort of high intensity workout the next morning (running, etc.).So...what am I doing wrong? Am I messing up on my fat/protein days or should I just be limiting my carb nites to plain white rice and a cookie (so sad!)? One last thing, I take metamucil in the morning and benefiber at night so I feel like I'm getting enough fiber. I know nothing about supplements but I take a multi, a B complex and fish oil every day.I would appreciate any thoughts you might have and am totally open to making whatever changes I need to to make a difference. Thanks!
June 26, 2012 at 2:11 pm #58646
Trevor G FullbrightModeratorA few things, check the fiber, they might have sugar added to them, you really don't need that much fiber and I've seen people stall until they cut out fiber supplements.Also, you can go over your carbs with nuts east if you eat a lot, and the best sources of fat are animal, people seem to do better if they center the diet around animal products.Don't worry about fat being higher, it's better that way, you want grams to be 1:1 ratio but favoring fat so you caloric intake is 70/30 (roughly) fat/protien.I wouldn't lower you carb intake on carb night, most people do better going over board.Also, eat more.Under eating will stall just as fast as over eating.
June 26, 2012 at 2:28 pm #58647
chefladyGuestThis is very helpful, thanks for responding. I'll check the fiber, cut back on the nuts and eat more. Just so I'm clear, how much more do you think I should be eating?? 1500 calories? 1800?
June 26, 2012 at 2:34 pm #58645
dmmethodMemberI'd also drop the dairy and just use coconut oil and see how that works. I've always noticed that if I try to switch it up and start using HWC in my coffee I get bloated and hold fat like nobody's business. It's worth a shot. +1 on the nuts also. They have a lot of carbs. Metamucil (from what I recall) has ace-k in it. That will stop your fat burning efforts completely. Especially if you're taking it in the morning. Some ppl will say that ace-k is debatable but if you're not having any progress, eliminate all questionable variables and then reassess. Try those tweaks & be patient. Stay off the scale & use measurements as your gauge of progress Eat more.
June 26, 2012 at 2:37 pm #58648
Trevor G FullbrightModerator+1 on dairy.Dairy can stall people who have an intolerance. As far as calories go, it's hard to tell.Never go below your BMR, I wouldn't go below a maintenance level.I stall if I start dropping below 2500, I do best around 3000.Another thing you might look into is cutting out gluten on your carb nights.Using gluten free baked goods (avoid bean flours and brown rice flour) gets better results anyone because of the massive insulin response you get from them.
June 26, 2012 at 2:47 pm #58649
Lasse ElsbakParticipantThis is very helpful, thanks for responding. I'll check the fiber, cut back on the nuts and eat more. Just so I'm clear, how much more do you think I should be eating?? 1500 calories? 1800?
I agree with the above posters - you need way more calories. You're lifting, and walking frequently, so I'd start at 2000 or so. From there you can adjust.Nuts contain a lot more carbs than people think, along with potentially inflammatory fats and anti-nutrients. I would cut down on those.
June 26, 2012 at 2:58 pm #58650
chefladyGuestOk, dropping the HWC.I checked and the metamucil doesn't have sugar or ace-k but it does have aspartame...which can't be good. And that's usually what I drink first thing in the morning--so I'll drop that as well. 2000 calories? Holy cow! Sounds like I need more bacon. Trevorxgage--what does a gluten free carb nite look like??
June 26, 2012 at 3:01 pm #58651
dmmethodMemberOk, dropping the HWC.I checked and the metamucil doesn't have sugar or ace-k but it does have aspartame...which can't be good. And that's usually what I drink first thing in the morning--so I'll drop that as well. 2000 calories? Holy cow! Sounds like I need more bacon. Trevorxgage--what does a gluten free carb nite look like??
Check out my log. I posted my CarbNite from Sunday. It's gluten free.
June 26, 2012 at 3:17 pm #58652
chefladyGuestOk, dropping the HWC.I checked and the metamucil doesn't have sugar or ace-k but it does have aspartame...which can't be good. And that's usually what I drink first thing in the morning--so I'll drop that as well. 2000 calories? Holy cow! Sounds like I need more bacon. Trevorxgage--what does a gluten free carb nite look like??
Check out my log. I posted my CarbNite from Sunday. It's gluten free.
That was very helpful, thanks. I live down the street from a Trader Joe's and they have a selection of gluten free snacks (cookies!) that I've never even glanced at. Maybe I'll give them a try. I do love my oreos on carb nite though...
Also, I noticed in your log that you take digestive enzymes. I had been taking so much fiber because, since starting carb nite, I have been bloated beyond belief (sorry, tmi). I'm wondering now if that's been due to all of the dairy!! At any rate, is there an enzyme you would recommend?
June 26, 2012 at 3:21 pm #58653
dmmethodMemberThe jury is still out on the digestive enzymes. I haven't noticed a big difference from taking them. I use the NOW Foods super enzymes. I'll finish this bottle but I probably won't get them again. I'm sure someone will chime in w/ a better recommendation. I was experimenting. As far as the bloating goes, cut dairy & gluten and see how that pans out. Also during your ULC weeks drink tons of water. I found that to help way more than supplementing with a bunch of fiber.
June 26, 2012 at 3:23 pm #58654
Trevor G FullbrightModeratorEveryone needs more bacon.My last carb night was 2 whole gluten free pizza, a milk shake, a giant sweet potato, and 7 gluten free home made chocolate chip cookies.Tapioca pudding is also great if you wanna take the time to make it.One reason you might be so bloated is the amount of fiber you are taking in. The only fiber you should be getting is from veggies and such.All my fiber comes from coconut butter, avocados, and 90% dark chocolate.Really, people don't need as much fiber as we are led to believe, and we don't need the fiber supplements at all.
June 27, 2012 at 6:56 pm #58655
baku16MemberEveryone needs more bacon.My last carb night was 2 whole gluten free pizza, a milk shake, a giant sweet potato, and 7 gluten free home made chocolate chip cookies.Tapioca pudding is also great if you wanna take the time to make it.One reason you might be so bloated is the amount of fiber you are taking in. The only fiber you should be getting is from veggies and such.All my fiber comes from coconut butter, avocados, and 90% dark chocolate.Really, people don't need as much fiber as we are led to believe, and we don't need the fiber supplements at all.
Speaking of which. What is the good time to eat dark chocolate. I assume ULC since it has fiber?
June 27, 2012 at 7:11 pm #58656
Trevor G FullbrightModeratorYeah, during ULC. It's got a pretty small amount of usable carbs. 4 squares of lindt 90% has 7 usable carbs and 5 or 6g of fiber, plus plenty of fat.
June 27, 2012 at 7:28 pm #58657
CmoMemberWait, we can have a square or two of the extremely dark chocolates (I have Ghirardelli Midnight Reverie, 86%…for 4 squares, it is 250 cals, 25 g fat, 15 g carb, 5 g fiber, 5 g sugars, and 3 g protein. This is alright during the ultra low carb days????? Paired with fat? Oh, someone is gonna make me very happy if they say yes!!!! (obviously still keeping usable carbs under 30 g).
June 27, 2012 at 7:31 pm #58658
baku16MemberYeah, during ULC. It's got a pretty small amount of usable carbs. 4 squares of lindt 90% has 7 usable carbs and 5 or 6g of fiber, plus plenty of fat.
Thanks. If you like dark choco, check out ChocoWhey by Defense Nutrition. Pretty cool stuff
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