AM LISS w/ yohimbine/green tea/l-carnitine

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    Cuurently doing CNS. Wondering if it would be too much to do fasted LISS every morning with the stack listed above? I usually do 30-45 mins on the treadmill, 3-5 days a week, 3.5-4.0 speed, at anywheres from 8-15% incline.Thoughts on this with CNS?


    Richard Schmitt

    Cuurently doing CNS. Wondering if it would be too much to do fasted LISS every morning with the stack listed above? I usually do 30-45 mins on the treadmill, 3-5 days a week, 3.5-4.0 speed, at anywheres from 8-15% incline.Thoughts on this with CNS?

    I know the military makes you do cardio and it is LISS. BUT with CNS and CBL it is not a good idea or optimal. While it does help lose weight, it will help you lose muscle! So the type of cardio we recommend (if any) is HIIT. I'm sure you know what HIIT is. So with CNS the split you would wind up doing is 30 second all out sprints with 4 minutes easy rest. I wouldn't use the treadmill for this because you'll probably hurt yourself. But a stationary bike, rower, or even out side sprints would be best. Kettlebells are great for HIIT as well. Also, I would not do HIIT for more than 1-2 days post CN. Then stick to a training routine during the week that isn't really high volume. The stack you have above to take upon waking, Pre HIIT or training is Good Green Tea Extract, Yohimbine HCL, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and Caffeine is probably the best routine to take. 



    Rodger that. Thanks Tex!


    Cuurently doing CNS. Wondering if it would be too much to do fasted LISS every morning with the stack listed above? I usually do 30-45 mins on the treadmill, 3-5 days a week, 3.5-4.0 speed, at anywheres from 8-15% incline.Thoughts on this with CNS?

    I know the military makes you do cardio and it is LISS. BUT with CNS and CBL it is not a good idea or optimal. While it does help lose weight, it will help you lose muscle! So the type of cardio we recommend (if any) is HIIT. I'm sure you know what HIIT is. So with CNS the split you would wind up doing is 30 second all out sprints with 4 minutes easy rest. I wouldn't use the treadmill for this because you'll probably hurt yourself. But a stationary bike, rower, or even out side sprints would be best. Kettlebells are great for HIIT as well. Also, I would not do HIIT for more than 1-2 days post CN. Then stick to a training routine during the week that isn't really high volume. The stack you have above to take upon waking, Pre HIIT or training is Good Green Tea Extract, Yohimbine HCL, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and Caffeine is probably the best routine to take.

    True.  Stick to dosing instructions, and you won't get any ill side-effects either.  A healthy fat-burning stack.Cory

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AM LISS w/ yohimbine/green tea/l-carnitine

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