Ballpark Carb numbers for CNS

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    Been on CNS for around a month know have definitely go some of the fundamentals down in terms what to eat and how to train optimally, been alot of fun and the carb-nites I've had have been nothing short of wonderful! Question for those of you who have read CBL, in the book they have a rough guide for how much carbs to eat when backloading as it relates to your current bodyweight --- is this ALSO a good number to shoot for when doing CNS? Seems roughly the amount I eat on a carb-nite


    Richard Schmitt

    Eh you can do it that way if you wanted. I'd go till I can't anymore and asses from there. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    Yea staying withing the 6-8 hour window is more important than the number of carbs IMO.



    Yea staying withing the 6-8 hour window is more important than the number of carbs IMO.

    Very true, my first CN was a disaster because I jammed all the food down after work and training sesh in 2-3 hours before bed my second CN - started eating at work, came home, skipped the training, ate till before bed, trained the next day pm

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Ballpark Carb numbers for CNS

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