Basic question about lifting techniques

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    Need some guidance on how to bench, DL, squat and shoulder press properly.  I'm self-taught (i.e. I just lift stuff), lift solo because of my lifestyle, have no in-the-gym mentors/coaches, and am pretty much making it up as I go along.  Can anybody recommend any youtube videos that might guide me?  I realise I could find them myself but I have no idea what's good and what's bad.Thank you in advance.



    I'd check out the elitefts “so you think you can bench” and “so you think you can squat” series' on YouTube When you find those you'll probably also find some deadlift technique tips too.


    Need some guidance on how to bench, DL, squat and shoulder press properly.  I'm self-taught (i.e. I just lift stuff), lift solo because of my lifestyle, have no in-the-gym mentors/coaches, and am pretty much making it up as I go along.  Can anybody recommend any youtube videos that might guide me?  I realise I could find them myself but I have no idea what's good and what's bad.Thank you in advance.

    You can use the exercise section.  It has a search engine, and it has pretty much every exercise imaginable (plus DB, BB and KB variations), including some really ecclectic $h1t.  Each exercise features step-by-step photos, and a full video of the lift.Great resource.Cory



    I'd check out the elitefts "so you think you can bench" and "so you think you can squat" series' on YouTube When you find those you'll probably also find some deadlift technique tips too.

    Big +1 on that! Though Im still interested to see what Kiefer is coming up with in conjunction with Vinnie D in regards to finding your best Bench Press leverages.



    If I may jump in, I think the Christian Thibaudeau videos on T-Nation are excellent.



    It's good to know the basics, but depending on the lift, optimal form will vary greatly. Experimentation is key and your form will change as you increase the poundage. I use and as my references for anything related to lifting, you should check these blogs out when you start stalling.For instance, I have a very long/thick torso and short limbs, kinda like a penguin, and I DL with a rounded back, but I have found out it protects me from injuries and allows me to lift considerably more weight. It took a lot of trial and error to find my ideal squat and dead-lift forms, so I just practiced the lifts as often as I could by adding lighter speed sets after work sets or just greasing the groove on active rest days.



    If I may jump in, I think the Christian Thibaudeau videos on T-Nation are excellent.

    +1T-Nation is a great resource for exercise instruction. The EliteFTS exercise index is also very, very good. Youtube is a also a great resource; you can search an exercise, watch several videos, and find the commonalities between them. It's also great ecause it can show you what not to do.

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Basic question about lifting techniques

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