Bean ok for low carb?

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    Luis S.

    So today for dinner i had about a cup of beans thinking it was all good since they were mainly fiber. After reading the label i realized they had quite a bit of carbs. Do these carbs fall under fiber, or are they usable carbs? And im on my 6th night of orientation phase, would this screw up everything and make me have to start all over again?



    usable carbs by definition is carbs – fiber. So the end result is that you can eat the foods you want if they fit into the 30 g or less of usable carbs per day.



    it depends on the bean.Most labels break out fiber if this one didn't then you might have gotten "usable carbs"


    Naomi Most

    So today for dinner i had about a cup of beans thinking it was all good since they were mainly fiber. After reading the label i realized they had quite a bit of carbs. Do these carbs fall under fiber, or are they usable carbs? And im on my 6th night of orientation phase, would this screw up everything and make me have to start all over again?

    The nutrition label should say "fiber" for the fiber portion of the food.  Total carbs minus the fiber number equals usable carbs.I can't think of a single bean you could eat even half a cup of without spoiling your carb total for the day...There's a reason beans don't appear in CBL or in Carb Nite.


    Luis S.

    Dam not what i wanted to hear lol but thanks for the response Naomi.

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Bean ok for low carb?

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